Much as I like Ted Danszen (?) as an actor, when he gets a chance, I don't have much hope for this movie. Here's what it's going to be: A white guy (teacher) shows inner city kids how they can improve their life by playing chess. Never having achieved anything before, these kids are inspired by their coach and the game to go on and become lawyers, scientists, etc., rather than be gunned down selling crack cocaine in back alleys. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what I predict. I didn't even like Searching for Bobby Fischer because it got so schmaltzy. The book was much better. How about a movie about an old washed-up chess player who has spent his life studying chess only to be challenged and defeated by a young upstart. The guy drinks a lot, has no success with women and regrets spending his life pushing little pieces around 64 squares, somebody like Korchnoi. Think the TV industry will tackle that gem? Nah!