Just saw this.
Fat Lady has it. Don't flog yourself it's not all that easy to spot
during a game - if you played over the full game saying somewhere
there is a trick in the here, a lot of people would miss it.
Especially over the board.
From the set position, knowing there is something there is different.
Just remember to store the idea.
Been looking at the position. What did you play?
1....b5? open up a file v b2?
1.....Ba6 sniffing after the c4 pawn?
1....a6 and then b5?
What happened was it a win/lose or draw.
Nice game, quite amusing. I thought it was an OTB game.
Your clumsy Ba6 gave White the d5 square for his Knight which
chased your Queen off f6.
That was one of my candidate moves I thought you might have played.
You had to shuggle about about to in c6 to kick the Knight off d5
to get your Queen back to f6.
Chess is like that - you miss the best move in the position and
actually play the worse move in the position....and then win!
You got the 2nd Knight sac but that was easier to spot than the first one.
His sac was a bad one. It's always dodgy leaving your King sitting
exposed to a discovered check.