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Uncalculated risk

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I followed a hunch and it paid off:

Game 8140706

But how sound was that tactic really?

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A very quick glance but possibly Bxf6 before Nd5 and definitely
8.Qxe7 mate instead of 8.Nxf6+

Edit (I've missed mate in one twice OTB. Once when in mid combination
and the other because I thought I had two ways to mate in one.
The one I chose was not a mate in one. Luckily I won both games.)

Edit 2: Keep following those hunches.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
I followed a hunch and it paid off:

Game 8140706

But how sound was that tactic really?
2.Ne6 loses a piece, and 4.Nd5 just loses a second piece.

If Black had found 4...Nxd5, White would be in big trouble. The only positive for White would be that there are numerous lines to choose from and lots of tactics. But if Black doesn't blunder, White is toast.

But in the end, you got away with it. 🙂

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Originally posted by Mad Rook
2.Ne6 loses a piece, and 4.Nd5 just loses a second piece
LOL. As an answer to "how sound was that tactic", this cannot be improved upon 😀

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Originally posted by Mad RookIf Black had found 4...Nxd5, White would be in big trouble.[/b]
Yes. I am also scratching my head as to why black did not play 4. ... Nxd5. That appears to be the only move to make.

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