I know this thread has been started somewhere else...but i couldn't find it so here i go:
First of all, alot of these are on yahoo so you'll have to take my word on it. And yes....i did win all of
1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. d2-d4 f7-f6
3. d4xe5 f6xe5
4. d1-h5+ e8-e7
5. h5xe5+ e7-f7
6. f1-c4+ d7-d5
7. c4xd5+ f7-g6
8. e5-g3+ g6-h5
9. d5-f7+ g7-g6
10. h2-h4 f8-d6
11. e4-e5 d8-e7
12. g3-g5+ e7xg5
13. h4xg5+ h5-g4
14. e5xd6 c7xd6
15. g1-e2 c8-f5
16. f2-f3++
hehe.....that guy was rated 1450, i was rated 1390
1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. d2-d4 e5xd4
3. c2-c3 d4xc3
4. f1-c4 c3xb2
5. c1xb2 d7-d6
6. e4-e5 d6xe5
7. c4xf7+
--forfit...buts its over anyways
1. e2-e4 e7-e6
2. d2-d4 d7-d5
3. b1-c3 f8-b4
4. e4xd5 b4xc3+
5. b2xc3 e6xd5
6. c3-c4 c7-c6
7. g1-f3 h7-h6
8. c4xd5 d8xd5
9. c2-c4 d5-h5
10. d1-e2+ c8-e6
11. f3-e5 b8-d7
12. e2xh5 d7xe5
13. h5xe5 g8-e7
14. e5xg7 h8-g8
15. g7xh6 e7-f5
16. h6-f6 g8-g6
17. f6-e5 o-o-o
18. c1-f4 f5xd4
19. e5-c7++
that one was fun
1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. g1-f3 b8-c6
3. f1-b5 d7-d6
4. d2-d4 a7-a6
5. b5-a4 c8-g4
6. d4-d5 b7-b5
7. a4-b3 c6-d4
8. b1-d2 d8-f6
9. c2-c3 d4xf3+
10. d2xf3 g4xf3
11. g2xf3 f6xf3
12. d1xf3 g8-f6
13. h1-g1 h7-h6
it was an odd game...but i still won
1. d2-d4 e7-e6
2. c2-c4 g7-g6
3. g1-f3 f8-g7
4. c1-f4 b8-c6
5. e2-e3 h7-h6
6. f1-e2 g6-g5
7. f4-g3 g5-g4
8. f3-e5 c6xe5
9. g3xe5 g7xe5
10. d4xe5 d7-d6
11. e2xg4 f7-f5
12. e5-f6 d8xf6
13. o-o f6xb2
14. b1-d2 h6-h5
15. g4xh5+ h8xh5
16. d1xh5+ e8-d7
17. h5-f7+ g8-e7
18. d2-e4 c7-c6
19. e4-f6+ d7-c7
20. f7xe7+ c7-b8
21. e7xd6++
1. d2-d4 e7-e6
2. c2-c4 f8-e7
3. b1-c3 g8-f6
4. c1-g5 f6-g8
5. g5xe7 d8xe7
6. g1-f3 e7-d6
7. e2-e3 d6-c6
8. f1-d3 c6-b6
9. b2-b3 b6-d6
10. o-o g8-f6
11. c4-c5 d6-c6
12. f3-e5 c6xg2+
13. g1xg2 b7-b6
14. c5xb6 a7xb6
15. d1-f3 a8-a5
16. f1-g1 a5-a7
17. c3-e4 e8-f8
18. e4xf6 g7xf6
19. f3xf6 h8-g8+
20. g2-h1 c8-b7+
21. f2-f3 b8-c6
22. f6xf7++
Well those are mine, feel free to learn from others blunders...in the first games case....the fun of the attack
Please post your own
Originally posted by c guy1Your write, the situation is indeed rediculose.
dont judge so quickly...yahoo is a great site, personally with the slow rate we play, i think that rhp is the toilet of the online chess world...honestly, it takes 1 year to get like 20 games in
EDIT: atleast on that site you can play a game in 30min-3hours, not 1 move in 30min-3hours
Originally posted by XanthosNZAgreed.
Yahoo, the toilet of the online chess world.
I played over 2000 games on yahoo before joining a chess club. It never did nothing for me. After joining the club I stopped playing on yahoo and my chess improved and is still improving.
Yahoo has to be the worst chess site to play live chess if you want to play against people you don't know. If your playing against a friend then alright. But you know how many cheaters are on yahoo? You know how desperate they are to be the top dog in the rooms?
You know exactly what I'm talking about don't you. All those cheating ads that keep popping up in the chat windows etc...
Go play at ICC or playchess or fics etc... The competition is much better and if your desperate you can even just play as a guest on ICC for free which I do now and then when i'm bored.
Originally posted by c guy1This is CC. If you want quick games play at ICC or FICS etc...
dont judge so quickly...yahoo is a great site, personally with the slow rate we play, i think that rhp is the toilet of the online chess world...honestly, it takes 1 year to get like 20 games in
EDIT: atleast on that site you can play a game in 30min-3hours, not 1 move in 30min-3hours
The quickest here is 1 move per day. There are some fast moves here though. The fastest game I finished was in 3 days and it was a 18 move one and that's pretty fast for CC.
Originally posted by c guy1Careful, the site mods might give you the "Royal" boot for putting the site down 🙂
dont judge so quickly...yahoo is a great site, personally with the slow rate we play, i think that rhp is the toilet of the online chess world...honestly, it takes 1 year to get like 20 games in
EDIT: atleast on that site you can play a game in 30min-3hours, not 1 move in 30min-3hours
1. e4 c5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Nb1c3 e5 4. Bf1c4 Nc6d4 5. Nf3xe5 Bf8d6
6. Ne5xf7 1-0
My opponent resigned.
Here's a link to prove it.
Game 1890757
Originally posted by Walshiefinally...someone actually responded to my post...THIS ISNT A CHESS SITE DEBATE!!! its about the quick killz
1. e4 c5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Nb1c3 e5 4. Bf1c4 Nc6d4 5. Nf3xe5 Bf8d6
6. Ne5xf7 1-0
My opponent resigned.
Here's a link to prove it.
Game 1890757
for the record...yes i do know about the cheaters...it just makes me work that much harder on perfecting my game ( if we wana continue this, open a different thread...i dont peeps spamming my sources)
Originally posted by c guy1killz...peeps....
finally...someone actually responded to my post...THIS ISNT A CHESS SITE DEBATE!!! its about the quick killz
for the record...yes i do know about the cheaters...it just makes me work that much harder on perfecting my game ( if we wana continue this, open a different thread...i dont peeps spamming my sources)
Yahoo deserves you.