Most players on rhp are real gents. They play chess in the spirit of the game, i am busy playing a guy called ChessAddiction . The moment i gained a material advantage over him, he sent me a mssg that the game was boring and if we draw the game, we can play a rematch. i obviously replied that he can resign if he wanted to end the game. he then said "you better beat me" and suddenly he stopped moving multiple times per day to moving just before his timebank start depleting.. 2days and 20something hours..
i messaged some of his prior opponents and opponents who are currently beating him, and they all responded saying he does exactly that!! eventually depleting the timebank aswell. Not very mature..!? (he forgets that looking at his profile i can see when he last moved.. usually every few hours on the games he is winning)
he claims to be a finance professional, but this kind of behavior makes me wonder about the professional part 😉
(our game)
As long as your opponent is moving within the time limits and is not abusive over the messaging feature, just write it off; it's annoying, but within the rules.
Put him on your ignore list after the game is over and hope you don't get paired in any tournaments.
Edit: Just saw that you are a non-sub. Become a subscriber and you won't have to worry about your concurrent game limit in these cases.
Today I was playing some chessgame online (yeah I have no life) and my opponent was down to about 20 seconds and offered to abort the game (I had over a minute left). Naturally I rejected this rather strange offer. Was that unsportsmanlike on my part?
My opponent gave away a Queen three moves later to a N-fork, let his time run out and started hurling crap at me for being a bad sportsman. 😛
Originally posted by heinzkatAlways smile when that happens to me, I wish I could have that kind of abuse more regular, nothing funnier in Chess than a sore loser.....
Today I was playing some chessgame online (yeah I have no life) and my opponent was down to about 20 seconds and offered to abort the game (I had over a minute left). Naturally I rejected this rather strange offer. Was that unsportsmanlike on my part?
My opponent gave away a Queen three moves later to a N-fork, let his time run out and started hurling crap at me for being a bad sportsman. 😛
Originally posted by Hells CaretakerI wonder why the abort function is even there, whacky interface anyway. I don't find it that amusing though, such abuse based on some piece movements is always completely uncalled for
Always smile when that happens to me, I wish I could have that kind of abuse more regular, nothing funnier in Chess than a sore loser.....
Originally posted by AudioRaptureyup, i guess all is fair in chess and war..
As long as your opponent is moving within the time limits and is not abusive over the messaging feature, just write it off; it's annoying, but within the rules.
Put him on your ignore list after the game is over and hope you don't get paired in any tournaments.
Edit: Just saw that you are a non-sub. Become a subscriber and you won't have to worry about your concurrent game limit in these cases.
it's rather like when playing a tournament and your opponent gently taps on the table with his/her finger, very irritating, but you look like the fool when you complain about it..
i should subscribe, i'm just afraid i might stop working altogether an just play chess all day🙂