Hello there, this has been discussed, along with the question of usage of databases, recently in the following thread:-
For a quick summary though I'd say that books and databases are allowed, since this is first and foremost a correspondence chess site. There is the suggestion that there's no harm in telling your opponent at the start of the game that you are using these materials, as some object to this practice...but as far as I know the vast majority don't mind at all (and some even encourage it since it leads to a higher standard of game and a chance to work on openings etc).
I agree with T1000, I use books in the openings, especially if its an offbeat opening. I'm here to learn, to research for OTB play. I dont own a database, but its just an electronic book in its own right. Use of computers on the other hand, well, whats the point? If you were playing chess by mail, books would be allowed, so would databases.