Originally posted by ladyviola66as a rule, develope all pieces first, and only then attack.
Of all the openings that use knights early and agressively, which are the most effective? What are the drawbacks of using one or both knights agressively early or mid game?
unless your opponent does something stupid, losing material (without heavy compensation) or lets you start a crushing attack.
if you attack prematurely, your pieces will just be pushed back losing tempi. or your attack will just run out of steam and leave you dead in the water. every tempo in the opening is crucial in order to develope your pieces. being ahead in development is like temporarily playing a piece up.
Originally posted by kmac27I agree with that assertion, but... If you can't figure out why GM's don't play a particular move, try it and see if your opponent can show you. The worst that can happen is that you will be punished, and hopefully learn something from it.
heres a good tip if grandmasters don't play it theres probably a reason not to.
Originally posted by wormwoodWell said. Unless one is playing a true beginner, it's unlikely to get very far in the long run with a simplistic knight attack. If only there were a way... maybe somewhere midgame. Am I dreaming?
as a rule, develope all pieces first, and only then attack.
unless your opponent does something stupid, losing material (without heavy compensation) or lets you start a crushing attack.
if you attack prematurely, your pieces will just be pushed back losing tempi. or your attack will just run out of steam and leave you dead in the water. every tempo in ...[text shortened]... rder to develope your pieces. being ahead in development is like temporarily playing a piece up.
Originally posted by wormwoodGame 3615306
as a rule, develope all pieces first, and only then attack.
unless your opponent does something stupid, losing material (without heavy compensation) or lets you start a crushing attack.
if you attack prematurely, your pieces will just be pushed back losing tempi. or your attack will just run out of steam and leave you dead in the water. every tempo in ...[text shortened]... rder to develope your pieces. being ahead in development is like temporarily playing a piece up.