I was wondering if it's a good idea to play openings i've never played before such as sicilian dragon or french or should i stick to the ones i'm familiar with? I think it can't hurt since now i have grandmaster opening knoledge thanks to opening databases. Ana also have you started playing new openings here because you are allowed the use of books/databses?
Originally posted by omulcusobolaniIt'll broaden your knowledge but I think your results will be worse at first.Playing the opening moves from a database is one thing,understanding the resulting position is quite another.
I was wondering if it's a good idea to play openings i've never played before such as sicilian dragon or french or should i stick to the ones i'm familiar with? I think it can't hurt since now i have grandmaster opening knoledge thanks to opening databases. Ana also have you started playing new openings here because you are allowed the use of books/databses?
But in the end you should come out as a better player.
I play nothing but gambits here (if I can,against some openings it's hard to play a somewhat sound gambit) cause I want to improve my tactical play.Ocassionally I'll use a book to find an intresting line to try out.