Originally posted by Pigface1I lose to 1400 chess engines just because I can not find motivation to play them seriously 😞
Level ten is 1350
level 6 is 1000
Nah, I dont know, ... interestingly enough nor does wiki :
Infact I hardly ever fail to find things like this very quickly but after a few minutes of googling I couldnt find the answer either
Then I feel like a piece of trash 🙁
Actually I regularly lose to 1100-1200 on CM GM edition and then swear my head off in outrage at such humiliation! Then I realize I made 38 moves in under two minutes .....
Like you I find it hard to seriously study such games (mainly due to the ten minute time limit, i hate fast games)
On topic.... even the windows official site dont give any information on the strength of vista chess
Originally posted by Pigface1Josh age 7 is particulary annoying personality 🙂
Actually I regularly lose to 1100-1200 on CM GM edition and then swear my head off in outrage at such humiliation! Then I realize I made 38 moves in under two minutes .....
Like you I find it hard to seriously study such games (mainly due to the ten minute time limit, i hate fast games)
On topic.... even the windows official site dont give any information on the strength of vista chess
Originally posted by ivan2908I find that I really have to pay serious attention to anyone over 1000 lately!! Either I really absolutely suck at 5 minute games or the strength in CMGM is higher than the rating appears, I keep meaning to properly play otb times or at least a minimum of 30 minutes per game, I really cant play fast chess.
Josh age 7 is particulary annoying personality 🙂
Originally posted by Pigface1Chessmaster plays awfully artificial. Shredder or Fritz is already much better. But there is no opponent like human.
I find that I really have to pay serious attention to anyone over 1000 lately!! Either I really absolutely suck at 5 minute games or the strength in CMGM is higher than the rating appears, I keep meaning to properly play otb times or at least a minimum of 30 minutes per game, I really cant play fast chess.
Both true, however shredder and fritz only have one level, "phasers set to kill" if it had gradual levels to work up like CM then I would be playing those, you are right, CM tends to play very well then just randomly give you a rook or queen, at lower levels it also seems to not let you fall too far behind in material and will start suicide checking!
Originally posted by Pigface1No, you can cripple Shredder to play as low as 850. And it is not artificial at all, it is most human like engine I've ever played against.
Both true, however shredder and fritz only have one level, "phasers set to kill" if it had gradual levels to work up like CM then I would be playing those, you are right, CM tends to play very well then just randomly give you a rook or queen, at lower levels it also seems to not let you fall too far behind in material and will start suicide checking!
Originally posted by ivan2908try hiarcs, it smokes shredder for human feel.
No, you can cripple Shredder to play as low as 850. And it is not artificial at all, it is most human like engine I've ever played against.
Chessmaster kinda gives pieces away in the beginning and then solids up for the endgame... its meant to help you with your: endgame.... maybe someone thinks that a good idea at the CM academy.
Originally posted by Pigface1Along with what others have said, Fritz also has the nice "Friend" mode, which will calibrate itself to your level, along with a "Sparring" mode where Fritz makes occasional tactical errors for you to find.
Both true, however shredder and fritz only have one level, "phasers set to kill" if it had gradual levels to work up like CM then I would be playing those, you are right, CM tends to play very well then just randomly give you a rook or queen, at lower levels it also seems to not let you fall too far behind in material and will start suicide checking!
Originally posted by OrangeKingShredder does that extremly well when crippled, every game is like little tactical puzzles book, so you can find nice combos (of course, the higher rating, the more subtle mistakes are.)
Along with what others have said, Fritz also has the nice "Friend" mode, which will calibrate itself to your level, along with a "Sparring" mode where Fritz makes occasional tactical errors for you to find.