One of the things I love about chess is all of the twists and turns and emotions involved. I always try to sell people on game they always tell me, "I don't have the patience for chess," and yet these are the people who can sit perfectly still and stare at a screen for 2 1/2 hours during a movie.
I try to tell that chess can be action packed, dramatic and even scary just like a movie. Only in chess you're not watch someone else fight in a war or get in a car chase - it's featuring you!
Why is this concept so hard to impress upon people? A side note - can a game of chess also be funny?
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperWatching a movie doesn't require any effort.That's the thing.
One of the things I love about chess is all of the twists and turns and emotions involved. I always try to sell people on game they always tell me, "I don't have the patience for chess," and yet these are the people who can sit perfectly still and stare at a screen for 2 1/2 hours during a movie.
I try to tell that chess can be [i]action packed ...[text shortened]... is concept so hard to impress upon people? A side note - can a game of chess also be funny?
I once read our brain is less active while watching tv than while sleeping!
All my losses are funny.Sometimes even downright hilarious.
".....can a game of chess also be funny?
I really am helpless with laughter when I see some of the games on here.
I don't think it's cruel, it is after all just a game with nothing at stake,
Here are two.
This one had me collapsed in a heap of laughter.
I still chuckle when I think about it. I love this game
Jlrdada - w1ll1amchess RHP 2006
And this one is heart breaking because Black did not play the best move.
If he had played 7...Qb4 then I would have given up chess because
there is nothing more the game could show me that could top that.
winfried - Van Hanegem. RHP 2005
Originally posted by greenpawn34Can you pull up the winning percentage when white attempts fools mate?
".....can a game of chess also be funny?
I really am helpless with laughter when I see some of the games on here.
I don't think it's cruel, it is after all just a game with nothing at stake,
Here are two.
This one had me collapsed in a heap of laughter.
I still chuckle when I think about it. I love this game
Jlrdada - w1ll1amchess RHP 2006 ...[text shortened]... the perfect end to this game but even funnier, 7...Qb4 Yes, the Queens are coming off.}[/pgn]
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperAlthough I frequently disagree with your political views, your thoughts on chess are very accurate indeed. Perhaps our present age, has spawned a world of "watchers", rather than participants.😏
One of the things I love about chess is all of the twists and turns and emotions involved. I always try to sell people on game they always tell me, "I don't have the patience for chess," and yet these are the people who can sit perfectly still and stare at a screen for 2 1/2 hours during a movie.
I try to tell that chess can be [i]action packed ...[text shortened]... is concept so hard to impress upon people? A side note - can a game of chess also be funny?
Hi Paralad,
I have 1994 times where White has played 2.Qh5.
White wins 868
Draws 98
Black wins 1,028
The most common Scholars Mate comes when Black plays 3.Nf6.
1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6
Hitting the Queen but missing the attack on f7. 4.Qxf7 mate.
f7 is the weakest point in Black's camp at the start of the game, it
is the only square protected by the Black King so one should always
keep an eye on this square especially when there is anything pointing at it.
It can be hit with natural moves. Bc4, Qh5, Nf3-e5/g5.
10 games have ended in this mate.
Fahim365 - injury
Abu Yousef - Desouki
Goldenson - Pembunuh Raja
Kaupunki Poika - Pasar Baru
Nuori Poika - Horny Boy
Achilles Blue - alexpaul
Achilles Blue - Jim Cena
aGoRessivE - dokaholik
Joe701 - littleflank
shamechamp - Gorgulho
You will notice Achilles Blue User 403285 has won two games this way.
You will also notice this boy was banned in March 2009.
Most likely stuck what to do on move 4 so switched on a box. 🙂