30 Mar 13
The post that was quoted here has been removedAre you a 12 year old STUPID kid or what? I'm not asking for help on how to search the internet for the candidates tournament. Do you know what an app is? http://www.chessbase.com/download/apps
Can you re-read the first post or ask your momma to help you if you can't. Jeez you sound as stupid as the teenage dumbfukks on ICC who insult people when they lose.
30 Mar 13
You don't know what the chessbase app is, so STFU fool. I can watch the games for free on a PC using the playchess client as do thousands of guest.
If you don't know what an app is, what the playchess client on PC is or does then you don't come in here shooting your mouth off kid. Want me to shut you up in person?