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We Need a Name

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A blog around 64squaresofpain's thread with the King & Queen swap mate.
(surely we can do better than that?)

Some more RHP games with this mate.
A smashing example of how to chuck a totally won game.
A couple of perpetual crackers.

Blog 4


Couples mate, because I've always liked double-entendres

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The king's a queen so transvestite or drag mate comes to mind.

Pardon the blandness,creative juices not flowing today


King & Queen swap mate is better than those. I can't think of nothing better right now. I have to go. Be back later.

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The Soul Mate, Abdication mate, Cross-dress mate, Couples mate,
Leap frog mate, reverse cowgirl mate and swap mate.

Have all been suggested in the comments box.

I was out today just browsing when 'Palindrome Mate' popped into my skull.

A Palindrome is sentence that spells the same forwards and backwards -
"Rats live on no evil star.", "God saw I was dog".

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The Throne Reversal mate.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
The Throne Reversal mate.
Who's the Boss mate


the wrong-side-of-bed mate


the inti-mate


I like mastermate

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Christ, call it the Jayne mate.

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I've been emalied by a non-RHP member blog reader.
I get quite a few of those. I ask them/tell them to join RHP.

Hi, the opening sequence 1.e3, 2.Qe2, 3.Kd1, 4.Qe1 is known in some circles as
the Transvestite Attack. Mike Chisholm played it a few times, and (I think) George
Moultrie played it in the 70's.

I saw someone else mention the Transvestite Attack and the Transvestite Mate.
So how about it. The Transvestite Mate.

(BTW - the Duck has arrived in the USA OK. ST40 is about to take him on tour.)

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Ha, this is fun.

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John & Yoko mate.

Macho Lennon decided in the 1970s to be the stay-at-home parent looking after the kid while Yoko ran business affairs.

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King Gauche mate. Or Queen'sright mate.

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I like the pirouette mate... does exactly what it says on the tin 🙂

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