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weekend tourney story

weekend tourney story

Only Chess

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I was at the weekender just last weekend

was the 11th seed in my section of about 50 people

won my first game after a long struggle with better end game play
round 2 was pretty much the same and round 3 also.

round 4 then with me on 3 out of 3, i get the chance to play my fav opening the smith-morra and things go grand with me being down a pwn for most of the game but was ahead still in my mind. i'm ahead on time and all is well

it gets down to him being on 5 min and me having about 8min left. i have just won back the pawn and have the bishop pair on a wide open board with us both having rooks on also.

then i play my moves and tunr to my clock and notice the time, my clock still running after my move.

so close yet so far (think i'll invest in a much better chess clock when i have money)

i hit it again, and it not stop and again.

it turns out my digitial clock had stopped working and had been taking time off me and not my opponent. I was down to 3min and he was still at 5.

we changed clocks

i was still ahead on the board but now i was behind on time.

i played fast and tried my best but the fact my clock went fucked was still in my head and affected my play i thing

I ended up losing the game

was so annoyed

would have been sweet to have been on 4/4 going into round 5.

I got out played in round 5 and lost and in round 6 with all hope of a prize gone i agreed to a draw

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