Game reference: Game 995443
Am I missing something obvious here? I assumed that the next series of moves would include a queen exchange, with me (white) up a pawn and slightly better pawn structure. Headed to a rook and pawn end game, and maybe my rook slightly more active. But to me this game looked kind of drawish.
My opponent resigned. What am I missing? Bueler? Anybody?😛
Black is a pawn down and out of the 5 he has the pawns on the a and b file aren't going anywhere and after the forced exchange of queens (either 28. ...Qxf6 or 28. ...Qg6 (anything else is fatal for black), white will have a more active rook which he can keep on the open file by Ke2 or Kd2. Guess he respected your ability (like some people who drag games should learn to do) and didn't want to waste his time in a lost endgame. Just my humble opinion.
Originally posted by creetownmanI don't get why he did that either. 😕
Game reference: Game 995443
Am I missing something obvious here? I assumed that the next series of moves would include a queen exchange, with me (white) up a pawn and slightly better pawn structure. Headed to a rook and pawn end game, and maybe my rook slightly more active. But to me this game looked kind of drawish.
My opponent resigned. What am I missing? Bueler? Anybody?😛
Originally posted by creetownmanI think you had a great advantage, especially as you are the higher rated player, although it is one of those that is worth playing out a few moves just to give your opponent the chance to blunder before resigning
Game reference: Game 995443
Am I missing something obvious here? I assumed that the next series of moves would include a queen exchange, with me (white) up a pawn and slightly better pawn structure. Headed to a rook and pawn end game, and maybe my rook slightly more active. But to me this game looked kind of drawish.
My opponent resigned. What am I missing? Bueler? Anybody?😛