Originally posted by morphywasthebestI think white is in a weaker position. White's king is open, especially after f4, and h3. Queen h4 checking the white's king.
[fen]r2qk2r/pp3pbp/3pbnp1/2pN4/2P1PP2/2QB3P/PP4P1/R1B1K2R b KQkq - 5 13[/fen]
in this game im playing as white and my opponent gets disconnected so i want to know from a strong player what they predict for black
black to move
White's queen is in a very bad place, same diagonal as black's bishop. If you do not notice, Nxe4 could happen after castling or so, or just Nh5 this gives room for blacks queen to go to --> h4 after the Knight movement where white needs to defend its queen from the black's bishop
Originally posted by EmashiYeah, I agree. I think black's two best choices are 0-0 or Nh5. I'd probably just 0-0, unless there's something good after 1... Nh5 2. Qc2 Qh4+ 3. Qf2.
I think white is in a weaker position. White's king is open, especially after f4, and h3. Queen h4 checking the white's king.
White's queen is in a very bad place, same diagonal as black's bishop. If you do not notice, Nxe4 could happen after castling or so, or just Nh5 this gives room for blacks queen to go to --> h4 after the Knight movement where white needs to defend its queen from the black's bishop
Originally posted by morphywasthebestHi
[fen]r2qk2r/pp3pbp/3pbnp1/2pN4/2P1PP2/2QB3P/PP4P1/R1B1K2R b KQkq - 5 13[/fen]
in this game im playing as white and my opponent gets disconnected so i want to know from a strong player what they predict for black
black to move
I'd take the d5 Knight with the Bishop it's too good.
It's going to have to come off sooner or later.
Then look at the position again.
Idea are Nh5 holding the g7 Bishop and perhaps the Q+ on h4.
Also Nh5-g3 must come into it. It stops White castling.
1...Bxd5 2.exd5 opens the e-file for Black so it's 2.cxd5,
would not worry too much about the check on b5 by the Bishop
as it's then on an unprotected square and Qa5+ is there.
I would then see where the Queen goes after Nh5 then have another
think to allow the check or 0-0.
Prefer Black.