It reveals how well you can handle frustration. It reveals who graceful a loser you are.
At lower levels it reveals how prone you are to tunnel vision.
At upper levels it reveals whether or not you have a photographic memory.
I'm not sure about the aggressive thing. I'm sure that has something to do with your understanding of chess and how well you handle defeat.
Some of the most aggressive chess players in history
were in 'real' life very timid and polite people.
Not sure about the reverse as players who have a timid quiet style
shying away from tactics ALL THE TIME never become famous enough
for me to cast a judgement.
Some GM's have a quiet almost boring style, but when needs must
they can hack and slash with the best of them.
The timid casual player who never gets his hands dirty just
stays a low ranking player getting no better or no worse.
Chess is a very violent game, all kinds of personalities play it well.
Some I hear even enjoy it.
Originally posted by chesstoraImo the way you play shows your attitude towards the game.No more,no less.
Does chess reveal the type of person that you are? Meaning if you are an agressive person you play attacking chess. If you are an easy going person you play a certain style etc...
Opine please.
I have no clue what I reveal about myself, but I definitely get a notion about my opponents in OTB. Sometimes you can predict what move a player will play- it's a weird feeling. Sometimes I hazard a move that is objectively not the strongest but I have a notion about how they will respond.
There are guys now I have played 3-4 times and I can sit down and prepare an opening for them and guess about 90% correctly what they will play pretty much the entire game.
Makes me wonder if they know what I will play, because I don't- haha.
Originally posted by TiwakingThat makes perfect sense, actually. The moment I realize that my opponent is playing my game, that is, reacting to my moves as if I'm leading a dance, I know that my chance of victory is high.
But it does reveal that my chess playing ability has a long way to go. And that I need to stop getting 'trapped' in my opponents thinking. If that makes any sense.
Perhaps chess can reveal if we are followers or leaders?