My opponent checks my king with his queen diagonally I move my bishop to defend my king, he moves his queen to check my king vertically I move my bishop accordingly to block his queen, he moves back to his last position, so I move my bishop back to defend. Is there a limit to how many times this can go back and forth?
We both have other options. is anyone declared the winner after a certain amount of repeated moves?
Originally posted by ShultzoYou really shouldn't have asked this question on this forum. You will inevitably become target of public ridicule. :-)
My opponent checks my king with his queen diagonally I move my bishop to defend my king, he moves his queen to check my king vertically I move my bishop accordingly to block his queen, he moves back to his last position, so I move my bishop back to defend. Is there a limit to how many times this can go back and forth?
We both have other options. is anyone declared the winner after a certain amount of repeated moves?
I think you are referring to a situation in which the knowledge of the threefold repetition rule comes in handy:
Originally posted by greenpawn34Oh, my mistake. Of course the game he refers to, will stay in progress - forever.
This game is still in progress can a MOD please close the thread.
Don't worry about it Shultzo I'm just saving you from getting
a warning email from Russ.
[b]One must not discuss games in progress.
(I've been warned twice now ).[/b]
Originally posted by heinzkatDon't think you did any harm.
Oh, my mistake. Of course the game he refers to, will stay in progress - forever.
I always check now because of the warnings.
Off Topic - does RHP recognise 3 fold rep?
I suppose no because it would have to store every position
from every game. Remember 3 fold rep does not have to
consequative moves.
(I know the rules and I've played less than 100 games on here)😉
I wonder if there games still going on and on and on and on.
Perhaps some that started in 2003.
This discussing of games is a grey area.
Suppose I posted a trap in the Lopez and that exact same position
was on a board somewhere on the site.
Surely I am discussing a game in progress, although I did not know it.
I think we should stop discussing opening theory from now.
Originally posted by ShultzoWhy Not?
thanks for the advise.
I didn't know you're not allowed to ask for advise in the middle of a game (why not?)
As for being ridiculed, hey, if you don't ask you don't learn. You masters had to learn everything at some point.
That's a good question - why not ask and get help from other players
about a game in progress.
I think the answer to that is that you would get so many conflicting
answers it would be pointless.
Your opponent might sneak on a pal and tell you to sacrifice both Rooks.
As for more experienced players having to learn at some point.
You are of course correct.
Except for me.
I was born knowing the rules of chess.
My first words words were "Check" and "Checkmate."
I can actually remember studying endgames whilst I was still in the womb.
Originally posted by greenpawn34it's only techincally in progress, but in reality it has ended with draw, so I feel free to comment about it. it's not up to your choices from now on, since one position has occured thrice. just use the claim draw button.
This game is still in progress can a MOD please close the thread.
Don't worry about it Shultzo I'm just saving you from getting
a warning email from Russ.
[b]One must not discuss games in progress.
(I've been warned twice now ).[/b]
Originally posted by heinzkatThis is him at his best.
That sort of reply is what I was aiming at in my first reply.
He most liklely sniggering at his keyboard right now,
But you just knew someone was going to come on and say something
like that after what has gone on before.
You could have put money on it.
It's a pity, he is tarnishing a great player's name.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Yes; why is such behaviour even allowed by the higher powers in the first place? This is not the first time!
But you just knew someone was going to come on and say something
like that after what has gone on before.
You could have put money on it.
One, of course, can say, get over it, it's an internet Chess forum and you cannot take such things seriously, but really this kind of cluttering happens in almost every thread here, spoiling all the "fun". (OK - I add a lot to that cluttering too, but never with such negative intentions)
I hear you can "alert" disrespectful/over the line postings but apparently not if you're not a subscriber.