A good idea Robbie a thread of some mild harmless relief.
What happens when you don't take Queens that are left hanging.
He does not take the Queen with a Knight but chases her to another square
so he can attack her again with the Knight. 🙂
Caissa soon closes the curtains on this one.
(Only chess players can chuckle at this. We are a sadistic lot).
Originally posted by EladarIt's not too uncommon to see a Queen left hanging and missed.
So, why didn't ajax simply take the queen with Nxh5?
Or after that simply take his knight instead when checkmate was at hand?
What rating is Ajax?
It's is so rarely done that some players have never seen one.
Nobody has simply left a Queen v me OTB.
I doubt if I'll ever find the position again but last year I did see a
White Queen left en prise. Black played something else.
He sacced a Rook to pull off a Knight fork that...won the White Queen. 🙂
Don't blame the 1200 player, laugh at the game.
I've said this before, this game is so brilliant that a handful of moves played
by an amatuer can bring just as much amusement as a 40 move masterpiece
by a Capablanca. At least I can understand the amatuer game.