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What is your fav. opening?

What is your fav. opening?

Only Chess

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Mine is a very rarely used opening I know what its called but I cant rememvber now ill post it later. 1e3 e5 2c4 since ive started using it ive won 5 and drew 1 no losses so farπŸ™‚

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For white: Queen's Gambit
For black: french Defense or Nimzo Indian.
I do switch things up a little somtimes but that's mostly what I play.

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1.b4 I've played it several times with a good result OTB, of course. Not many people know how the lines go and OTB there's no way to check them πŸ™‚

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Sicilian Kan.

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Originally posted by benkoboy
Mine is a very rarely used opening I know what its called but I cant rememvber now ill post it later. 1e3 e5 2c4 since ive started using it ive won 5 and drew 1 no losses so farπŸ™‚
Gandhi opening and Damiano defense are my openings

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ruy lopez as white and e5 defences as black. QGA as black against d4...

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Against e4 as black i play the sicillian: c5. Against d4 as black i play the dutch defence: f5. As white i play the ruy lopez.

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For black I like to use the owen defence

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Originally posted by Alopinto
Gandhi opening and Damiano defense are my openings

What's the Ghandi opening? I'm not familiar with that one.

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Originally posted by wib
What's the Ghandi opening? I'm not familiar with that one.

it's not very popular due to it's non-violent approach to the opponent.

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I'm a recent covert to the Petroff for black, having had to play against it. At my level, it works very nicely and can lead to clean, open lines.
1. de e5 2, Nc3 Nc6

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please tell us the moves of the ghandi opening

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Thanks, I'm takin notes πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by martinbeaver
it's not very popular due to it's non-violent approach to the opponent.
Ah. So that must be:

6 etc etc...


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Originally posted by wib
What's the Ghandi opening? I'm not familiar with that one.

Gandhi opening:

You move the knights back and forth refusing to change the intial position.

It is not a serious opening...

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