Originally posted by cmsMasternc4 threatens nd6 cxd6 rb7ch. If ...dxc4, then rd1ch
What would you play in the following position:
[fen]7r/2pk4/Q1n1pq2/2Pp1p1p/6pP/4P1P1/P2N2P1/1R4K1 w - - 0 30[/fen]
I found a little tactic here, that I think is the best move in the position for white - what would you play here?
Yeah, I decided on Nc4 as well - it seems just slightly better than Qd3. This move came just after I blundered a nice edge away.
Here's the game
[Event "Friendly Game, 10m + 0s"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.01.31"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Valentino25"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D38"]
[Annotator "Johnson,Mike"]
[PlyCount "111"]
[EventDate "2007.01.31"]
[TimeControl "600"]
1. d4 {
I've been experimenting a bit with 1.d4 today, although I still prefer 1.e4 5}
d5 {2} 2. c4 {5} e6 {3} 3. Nc3 {3} Nf6 {7} 4. Nf3 {7} Bb4 {QGD Ragozin Defense,
seems to be pretty solid for both sides and is played with some regularity in
top level events. (i.e. Corus 2007) 2} 5. Bg5 {5} Bxc3+ $5 {
Not the book move, white seems to have a slight edge in this line. 4} 6. bxc3 {
2} h6 {1} 7. Bh4 {3} g5 {9} 8. Bg3 {2} Ne4 {Despite having an adanced knight
black is clearly losing in this line. White can look to trade knights with
Nd2, and black's pawn structure is a mess. 12} 9. Qc2 {7} f6 {33} 10. e3 {9} h5
{5} 11. h4 {21} g4 {19} 12. Nd2 {12} Nxg3 {5} 13. fxg3 {
White is even better with the intermediate Qg6+ 2} f5 $16 {5} 14. Bd3 {4} Qd6 {
14} 15. Nf1 {11} Nc6 {6} 16. c5 {19} Qd7 {14} 17. Nd2 {6} Qf7 {34} 18. O-O {4}
Bd7 {7} 19. Rab1 {11} O-O-O $4 {
A blunder, black castles on the wrong side, white has a strong attack now. 13}
20. Qb3 $18 {4} b6 {16} 21. cxb6 {2} axb6 {29} 22. Ba6+ {3} Kb8 {7} 23. c4 {22}
Bc8 {28} 24. Bxc8 {8} Kxc8 {5} 25. c5 {2} bxc5 {10} 26. Qb7+ {7} Kd7 {5} 27.
dxc5 $2 $11 {Nb3 allows white to continue with his vicious attack, this move
allows black to get a very equal position and very good drawing chances. 4} Rb8
{18} 28. Qa6 {13} Rxb1 {9} 29. Rxb1 {3} Qf6 {38} 30. Nc4 $5 {The best move in
the position, black cannot avoid giving back the knight. The position is
still equal at this point. 23} dxc4 {19} 31. Rd1+ {2} Ke7 {41} 32. Qxc6 $11 {3}
Qe5 {20} 33. Qd7+ {39} Kf6 {8} 34. Qd4 {20} Qxd4 {12} 35. exd4 {2} Rd8 {13} 36.
Kf2 {3} Ra8 {22} 37. Rd2 {19} Ra4 {15} 38. Rc2 {4} c3 {21} 39. Ke3 {9} e5 {22}
40. dxe5+ {5} Kxe5 {4} 41. Kd3 {14} Rd4+ {11} 42. Kxc3 {10} Kd5 {6} 43. c6 $5 {
. 45} Rc4+ {4} 44. Kb3 {3} Rxc6 $4 {
The point of c6, white now has a won king and pawn endgame. 6} 45. Rxc6 {2}
Kxc6 {2} 46. Kc4 {1} Kb6 {2} 47. Kb4 {13} c6 {3} 48. a4 {4} Kc7 {4} 49. Kc5 {1}
Kb7 {CMSMaster reconnected. 1} 50. a5 {2} Ka6 {2} 51. Kxc6 {1} Kxa5 {1} 52. Kd5
{1} Kb4 {0} 53. Ke5 {1} Kc3 {1} 54. Kxf5 {1} Kd3 {2} 55. Kg5 {0} Ke2 {1} 56.
Kxh5 {Time ' White wins on time, but the game is over anyway. 0} 1-0