Originally posted by hempsterA gambit is when you sacrifice pieces for position. The most extreme version is probably the Danish Gambit:
crikey no wonder i am no good at this game.
i don't know what name my opening moves are called
i don't know what a gambit is .
there are so many name for moves and i know none.
i use the Rex factor move.
i play i move if i win good on me..if i lose i try to learn from it..that's it folks
White has thrown away three pawns for one, but in terms of development white is well ahead. The Bishops are attacking the king side along the diagonals, the Queen has every direction at her disposal, the Knights can be brought out quickly, and if you are able to castle, all the major pieces have free reign around the board. In contrast, black has been moving the same pawn each time so has not begun developing.
So it is a gambit because white must make an attack now that is good enough to checkmate, or at least regain more material than they have lost.
Blacks best moves here are Bb4 (puts pressure on the King and develops a piece) or d5 (gambits back a pawn while opening the Bishops diagonal)
The names of openings aren't too important, but knowing their strengths and weaknesses is...
Hope this helps 🙂
Originally posted by hempsterIf that is too extreme, the half-danish (same moves up to 4. Nxc3) is another way of playing this opening. I like gambits because you rarely have dull games, but I do lose a few!
I like that one i will have to try it on my mate,,🙂
I can't remember who, but some famous chess player said "by playing a gambit you gain the reputation of being a dashing player at the cost of losing a game" 🙂
“What is the object of playing a gambit opening?... To acquire a
reputation of being a dashing player at the cost of losing a game”
(Siegbert Tarrasch)
“In a gambit you give up a Pawn for the sake of getting a lost game”
(Samuel Standige Boden)
"No wonder I'm not that good. I play some gambits"
I do know what a gambit is..🙂..but as to the different names and types i wouldn't have a clue.and i know the names are not important .and i do have a fair working knowledge on how the game works..i will never be a grand master.
i enjoy playing the game win or lose..
I really only started this as i come here and read and study the games that get put up.but all the techno babble is beyond me.
but it is a good place to come and read and try out some of the moves .i see posted here..🙂
Raiox User 324236
runs a great club called Gambit Fantasy Club 236.
It's alot of fun, and you are more then welcome to join...
My favorite Gambits are the Half Danish and the King's Gambit.
Originally posted by PureRWandBthanks purerwandb..i will go and have a look over there,but i am trying to keep my games to a minimum at the moment.still tend not to see the whole picture on this 2d chess,but i am getting better .
[b]Raiox User 324236
runs a great club called Gambit Fantasy Club 236.
It's alot of fun, and you are more then welcome to join...
My favorite Gambits are the Half Danish and the King's Gambit.[/b]
i enjoy a fun game,