Everytime I open an invite for a set-piece game, it is almost immediately accepted and then deleted.
This has happened 10+ times at least, more than coincidence alone could possibly account for.
When playing chess with my friends IRL, I love to try alternate starting positions and just generally shake things up. I play alternate chess-type games as well, such as gothic chess...
I can understand why a person would not want to play a non-standard, UNRATED game, but why on Earth would they Accept and Delete the open invite game???
What are they trying to prove besides just being rude?
Or is this some rule of chess etiquette that I am breaking? (And if so, why does the site allow us to make set-piece games at all???)
Just a little ticked-off, hoping for some answers. Thanks.
Originally posted by Special Agentmost people don't realize its set pieces until they accept the game,
Everytime I open an invite for a set-piece game, it is almost immediately accepted and then deleted.
This has happened 10+ times at least, more than coincidence alone could possibly account for.
When playing chess with my friends IRL, I love to try alternate starting positions and just generally shake things up. I play alternate chess-type games ...[text shortened]... o make set-piece games at all???)
Just a little ticked-off, hoping for some answers. Thanks.
did you try adding a note?
Yeah, I tried that.
Of course, on the Open Invite screen, set pieces games are noted with an icon/symbol anyway...
but yeah, I started marking them in the comments field anyway, thinking people just didn't see it.
This has happpened over 10 times, I can't believe all ten people are that blind... This smacks of a purposeful group-action, not a series of accidents.
Originally posted by Special AgentI had this problem when I was doing some endgame work a few months ago. I kept track of who deleted, and accepted and deleted their seeks--tit for tat, do unto others as they have done, revenge is sweet, ...
Everytime I open an invite for a set-piece game, it is almost immediately accepted and then deleted.
This has happened 10+ times at least, more than coincidence alone could possibly account for.
When playing chess with my friends IRL, I love to try alternate starting positions and just generally shake things up. I play alternate chess-type games ...[text shortened]... o make set-piece games at all???)
Just a little ticked-off, hoping for some answers. Thanks.
I also sent them nasty PMs, which netted a couple of apologies.
Originally posted by Special AgentGood game. 😉
Thanks, Lausey!
Game 2315750
EDIT: Actually, discovered the mate by accident, sorry!