I've Googled many ways for PGN downloads, but there's no site that has what I'm looking for. How do you import the *latest* tournament PGN files into your chess program? What I really mean is, where do you go to get them? Is there a central site that grabs these newly finished tournament PGN files and posts 'em for download? I know I can go to chessbase.com or chesscenter.com and download the tournaments that way. Is there anything more convenient (not that it's a big pain in the @ss). Also, which PGN download site(s) do you like?
Originally posted by magnublmchessgames.com
I've Googled many ways for PGN downloads, but there's no site that has what I'm looking for. How do you import the *latest* tournament PGN files into your chess program? What I really mean is, where do you go to get them? Is there a central site that grabs these newly finished tournament PGN files and posts 'em for download? I know I can go to chessbase.com ...[text shortened]... enient (not that it's a big pain in the @ss). Also, which PGN download site(s) do you like?
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