Originally posted by whitedischttp://www.half.com/ has used books.
I have been looking around for old, out-of-print books online, and I cannot seem to find the books.
Does anyone know of any online shopping site that deals with such old, out-of-print books ?
I have tried ebay and amazon.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
I know you said you tried ebay, which surprises me because I see them there quite often. Did you use their search option? Just type in 'chess book' in the search box labeled "what are you looking for" on the ebay home page and there are usually several pages of chess related books.
<<edit>> I just went there now and did the search and found 5 pages of chess books. Here's the link to the results I found:
regards, Marc
Fred Wilson Chess in NewYorkCity specializes in that new and uses/rare books, if i'm not mistaken...
Fred Wilson Chess Books
80 East 11th Street, Suite 334
New York, New York 10003
Hours: Monday thru Saturday 12-7
Write to Fred: fred@fredwilsonchess.com
hi there if you have a local library or even charity shops in your area, you may find old books there. Another tip for if you have a local
chessclub in your area .
They usally have alot of information on chess related games./
I dont think chess books are cheap but there are some sites you may want to go is yahoo.com, chessnet.com and playsite.com