Only Chess
28 Jan 17
There are multiple solutions to this one.
The one I saw was Rae1, a2-a1(Q) forced; Rxa1, QxRh1; RxQh1#
Which was mate in three. Eladar then called my attention to a mate in two -- clever lad:
1. Rag1 (threatening Rg8# ), QxRh1; RxQh1#
And then there is:
2. Rag1, Qh6+; RxQh6#
The main thing in all variations is not to take the Q on h7 with check right away, otherwise you get the following position:
and you will have to chase the Black K round the board to get him mated. The crucial insight is to keep the Black K boxed into the corner on h8 and play a waiting move instead.