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What would you play in this position?

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Rxg7+ looks quite strong.

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1.R7b4! looks safe enough - White is a piece up and secures a comfortable win.
EDIT: 1.Rg7+ Kg7 2.Rb7+ Kg8 3.Qxf6 Qxe4+ 4.Kh3 seems to win faster.

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There are a bunch of wins here. 1. Qf5! intending Qg6 wins as well as 1. Rxg7+!

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Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
Rxg7+ looks quite strong.
Yes it is!
My game went like:
1. Rxg7+!!(if I may annotate so 😉) Kxg7
2. Rb7+ Kg6??
3. Qf5#

This is how far I got on my analysis
1. Rxg7+ Kxg7
2. Rb7+ Kg8
3. Qxf6 Qxe4+
4. Kh3
And black is hopeless so anymore calculation seemed like a waste of time and I'm very lazy too.

And if
1. Rxg7+ Kh8
2. Qxf6 Qxe4+
3. Kh3 ...
And black is lost whatever is move is due to the threat of the double check Rh7+!

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
There are a bunch of wins here. 1. Qf5! intending Qg6 wins as well as 1. Rxg7+!
Yes Qf5! also wins. My first canditate move was ilywrin's one but then I saw Rxg7 analysed it and didn't ponder any other move at all.
I guess what was important in this was the material advantage after all.

But still I pat my back for seeing a good move.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Yes Qf5! also wins. My first canditate move was ilywrin's one but then I saw Rxg7 analysed it and didn't ponder any other move at all.
I guess what was important in this was the material advantage after all.

But still I pat my back for seeing a good move.
MY Move!

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Originally posted by adam warlock
What would you play in this position?

[fen]r5k1/pR4p1/2p2p1p/8/q3P3/3rB1P1/P4QKP/1R6 w - - 0 29[/fen]
Bxh6 looks just a sound as anything.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
Bxh6 looks just a sound as anything.
Rxg7+ is forcing because it's a check, whereas Bxh6 means we have to look at the response Qxe4+, etc.

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Originally posted by Varenka
Rxg7+ is forcing because it's a check, whereas Bxh6 means we have to look at the response Qxe4+, etc.
its still winning...
I think...
Kh3 Qe6+ Kh4 Qe4+ g4 and then I think white's safe
ok, that doesnt go anywhere...
Qf5 or Rg7 are best.

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Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
MY Move!
Your move? 😕

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Your move? 😕
actually, it's mine.
Just didn't want to cause a fuss.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
actually, it's mine.
Just didn't want to cause a fuss.
Well, since the game in question was mine and I played the move I'm guessing it is my move.
😵 😠

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Well, since the game in question was mine and I played the move I'm guessing it is my move.
😵 😠
here's what you get for guessing...
there, I just resigned the game for you!
you lose!

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Well, since the game in question was mine and I played the move I'm guessing it is my move.
😵 😠
Well ok, I will give you equal rights. But if I had been in that position I would have also played it so in a way it is both of our moves.

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