Originally posted by Red NightI don't think so. After 23.Bxa7 follows Qf5 24.Qd6+ (24.QxQ gxQ would favour black, despite one pawn less, but with open g-file and two connected passed pawns) Ke8 and if Qc5, then f6 and black still has defensive chances.
Bxa7 Rf8
Bb6 Rc8
Qd6+ Ke8
23.e6! is stronger and pretty forced:
a) Bxe6 24.Bb6+ and mate in a few moves
b) fxe6 24.Qg7+ Kc8 25.Rb1! wins
c) Kc7 24.Qe7+ Kb8 25.Rb1 wins
d) Kc8 24.e7! Rde8 25.Rfe1 and now
- Rhg8 26.Qd6 with the threat Be5 wins
- Kd7 26.Be5 wins