Originally posted by gritBecause they're mirrors for the same site.
Why does the Time for Chess, Immortal Game, and Chess at Work all have the same forum with the same messages on it as this one?
I personally use playtheimmortalgame.com not only because I prefer the blue/black/white colours, but also because it looks a lot less dodgy than redhotpawn.com when/if my internet usage at work is looked at.
Originally posted by mazattackThis is actually the exact thing that came up at school.
Yeah, i always thought it was so if you are at work and one site does not work, you can use another one. Some may get through the work filters etc.
Or maybe it's to offer a different colour scheme.
They found out about RHP and blocked it, but left the other sites open.
Pretty fail by them in my opinion
Originally posted by greenpawn34I'm new here.I find this very confusing.
I'm glad you cleared that up.
I once stumbled onto one of these other sites by pure chance and
noticed another guy called greenpawn34.
Then I saw another Squelbelch another Robbie and Fat Lady
was there too.
I thought I had fallen through a rip in the time fabric and had
entered another dimension.
Originally posted by gritThey are all the same site and there are others as well.
Why does the Time for Chess, Immortal Game, and Chess at Work all have the same forum with the same messages on it as this one?
See : FAQ
Basically it is just to give alternative colour schemes but the fact that some may still be open when others are blocked by firewall is an added bonus.
i like RHP simply because of the looks i get from friends & work mates when they see the URL in my history lol (but then again i have always been kinda childish that way lol)
Originally posted by greenpawn34I noticed a troublemaker on one of those other sites with the same name as yours who almost got banned for misleading newbies!
I'm glad you cleared that up.
I once stumbled onto one of these other sites by pure chance and
noticed another guy called greenpawn34.
Then I saw another Squelbelch another Robbie and Fat Lady
was there too.
I thought I had fallen through a rip in the time fabric and had
entered another dimension.
No relation, right?