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Why castling to a fianchetto'd side bothers me

Why castling to a fianchetto'd side bothers me

Only Chess

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[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.8.26"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ih8sens"]
[Black "knapperja"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e2-e4 c7-c5 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 3. c2-c3 Ng8-f6 4. e4-e5 Nf6-g8 5. d2-d4 d7-d6 6. d4-d5 Nc6xe5 7. Nf3xe5 d6xe5 8. Bf1-b5 Bc8-d7 9. Bb5xd7 Qd8xd7 10. c3-c4 Ng8-f6 11. Bc1-g5 g7-g6 12. Nb1-c3 Bf8-g7 13. Qd1-d2 e7-e6 14. O-O-O O-O 15. h2-h4 b7-b5 16. h4-h5 Nf6xh5 17. Bg5-h6 b5-b4 18. Bh6xg7 Kg8xg7 19. Nc3-e2 Nh5-f6 20. Qd2-h6 Kg7-g8 21. f2-f3 e6xd5 22. g2-g4 e5-e4 23. g4-g5 Qd7-f5 24. g5xf6 Qf5xf6 25. Qh6xh7 1-0

I know I made a number of blunders in this game, but my plan was to attack the king from the start regardless of material loss. Ne2 on move 19 was a mental slip as I had every intention of playing Ne4 instead. Comments would be appreciated.

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4..Ng8 was incredibly silly, 4..Nd5 has to be better.

6. d5? appears to me to lose a pawn for almost nothing.

If your goal was to attack this game with no regards to material (maybe not the best mindset, since you always have to play according to the position on the board), why play 8. Bb5+, and then trade off more pieces, when you are down a pawn!?

11..g6 seems a bit unnecessary, but probably not bad at all. I think my preference would be for 11..Ne4, followed by 12..Nd6, targeting the c4-pawn.

15. d6 seems like a logical move to me.

18. Bxg7!? is really an interesting move. Of course Black can win a piece with 18..bxc3, but has to allow all kinds of stuff after 19. bxc3! Nxg7 20. Qh6 f5 21. Qxh7+ Kf7 22. Rh6!

21. Ng3 seems very dangerous, looking to simply play 22. Ne4!

23. Nf4! +-

23..Qf5?? , why not just 23..Nh5, when White still has some work to do...

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
4..Ng8 was incredibly silly, 4..Nd5 has to be better.

6. d5? appears to me to lose a pawn for almost nothing.

If your goal was to attack this game with no regards to material (maybe not the best mindset, since you always have to play according to the position on the board), why play 8. Bb5+, and then trade off more pieces, when you are down a pawn!? ...[text shortened]... Ne4!

23. Nf4! +-

23..Qf5?? , why not just 23..Nh5, when White still has some work to do...
I should add that it was 5 min. blitz and I'm tired and like to think I'm Tal. Ty for the analysis though, hopefully I'll learn from it 🙂.

Ps: When I get a game slot open, I'm probably gonna send you a game. You're one of the few regular forum users I haven't either challenged or played.

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I guess I should also mention the original question that I intended to ask when I named the thread.
In general (obviously the position does matter), when your opponent castles after fianchettoing (pardon the spelling), are you typically smartest to go for the throat immediately or does a more positional (and more sound quite likely) approach work better at around a 1800 level.

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I don't think you can generalize. For instance, I play the Dragon alot, and it's very common to see both plans, or even a mix! As an example, after:

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 0-0 8. Qd2 Nc6 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. 0-0-0 Ne5 11. Bb3 Rc8, we have arrived at the main position of the 9. Bc4 Yugoslav Attack. The main line is 12. h4 h5! and now White has many moves, all with different ideas:

13. Kb1, looking to secure the king off the c1 - h6 diagonal and off the c-file. It challenges black to find a useful move in the position, and after Black plays, white can decide on his plan further, this is a flexible plan. The normal moves for Black here are 13..Re8 and 13..Nc4.

13. Bg5 - This is the main line. White slowly repositions his pieces to more active squares before deciding on a concrete plan. It's very common to see both kingside attacking ideas based on g4 hxg4 h5 ideas, or central ideas based on some combination of Rhe1, g4 hxg4 f4, or just f4 ideas.

13. Bh6, this would be the "going for the throat" option. The main line is pretty instructive: 13. Bh6 Nc4! (Black tries to chop some wood to ease the attacking chances) 14. Bxc4 Rxc4 15. Bxg7 Kxg7 16. g4 hxg4! 17. h5 Rh8! 18. hxg6 fxg6 19. f4 (Now a little bit of play in the center!) e5! (Black counterattacks immediately, and secures a good, but very sharp and imbalanced game)

Theory goes very deep in all these lines, but the lesson here is that it's up to you to try to find the best plan, and not to make broad generalizations about what to do when an opponent fianchettos and castles to that side. 😀

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Another one. Weak moves sure (though I'd like to say this is one of my best OTB games I've ever played), but this is rather wowing to me at least.

[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.8.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ih8sens"]
[Black "gpb0216"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e2-e4 d7-d6 2. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 3. Nb1-c3 g7-g6 4. f2-f4 Bf8-g7 5. Ng1-f3 c7-c6 6. Bc1-e3 b7-b5 7. a2-a3 Bc8-g4 8. Bf1-d3 O-O 9. h2-h3 Bg4xf3 10. g2xf3 d6-d5 11. e4-e5 Nf6-h5 12. Qd1-e2 Bg7-h6 13. Qe2-h2 Nb8-d7 14. Rh1-g1 Nd7-b6 15. Nc3-e2 Ra8-b8 16. b2-b3 a7-a5 17. Ne2-g3 Bh6xf4 18. Be3xf4 Nh5xf4 19. Qh2-d2 Nf4xh3 20. Rg1-h1 Qd8-d7 21. Qd2-h6 Nh3-g5 22. Qh6xg5 f7-f6 23. Qg5-h6 Rf8-f7 24. Bd3xg6 Rf7-g7 25. Bg6xh7 Kg8-f7 26. Ng3-f5 Rg7xh7 27. Qh6xh7 Kf7-e6 28. Nf5-h6 Qd7-e8 29. Qh7-f5 1-0

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