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Why is it Checkmate ?

Why is it Checkmate ?

Only Chess

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We play until checkmate (or stalemate, or resignation - but thats not the point), a checkmate is a position where the king wil be captured in the next move.
So why is the object of the game to checkmate instead of capturing the king, I mean its the same so why not apply the usual rules of capturing an enemy piece to the king.

Is it just to save a move ?
Is the background in old feudal society, where it might have been unhealthy to play a game where the object was to kill a king ?

Does Anybody know ? (care ?)

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Originally posted by Scheel
We play until checkmate (or stalemate, or resignation - but thats not the point), a checkmate is a position where the king wil be captured in the next move.
So why is the object of the game to checkmate instead of capturing the king, I mean its the same so why not apply the usual rules of capturing an enemy piece to the king.

Is it just to save a move ?
...[text shortened]... n unhealthy to play a game where the object was to kill a king ?

Does Anybody know ? (care ?)
If one is checkmated,one has no legal moves left,so the game ends there.Quite normal and logic,I'd say.
In order to actually capture a king,there needs to be a change in the rules to allow a move while in check.Don't see how this could be a problem,but why would you want to change the rules?What's the point?

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I remember being skeptical when my older brother said that the World Series ends when a team has won four, even if the "entire" seven games have not been played.

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The checkmate rule allows for stalemate. That's the only difference I can see if players have sufficient skill.

I think it would be cooler if you could take the King.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
The checkmate rule allows for stalemate. That's the only difference I can see if players have sufficient skill.

I think it would be cooler if you could take the King.
Right!I didn't think of that.If you change the rules to allow a king to be in check,there's no more stalemate possible!
No,no,no,we can't have that.

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