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Why You Lose, Mateulose

Why You Lose, Mateulose

Only Chess

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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I have decided to perform a public service for all the people at RHP, particulary those who read the chess forums. Mateulose is constantly saying how much he sucks at chess and how he can't improve and is forever putting threads up complaining about this. So I am going to go over EVERY single loss Mateulose has on RHP and explain what he did wrong and what is wrong with his game. So, saddle up people, I start with his last loss Game 827583 to Gambitzoid, a player rated about 200 points lower.

Gambitzoid Mateulose

1 e4 c5
2 Nf3 e6
3 d4 cxd4
4 Nxd4 Nc6

Mateulose start with a Taimanov Sicilian, a more positional based opening Sicilian than the Najdorf or Dragon. Nothing wrong with that; but if you're going to use a positional opening you have to play positionally and he doesn't here.

5 Bb5 Bc5

Mateulose hates White to play this as it goes out of his "book" and therefore, must be "crap". In truth, it is an inferior move but it is played: I found 41 games on the Chessgames Online Database with a big plus score for Black 25-9-7. There are a number of good response notably Nf6 (developing) or Qb6. The only bad move for Black is Nxd4 which allows the White Queen a nice center post. Mateulose's Bc5 isn't too bad' it's used in 3 games (2-1) and develops a piece with attack. White should play Nxc6 here but Gambitzoid errs and Mateulose makes the right move in response:

6 Be3? Qb6
7 Bxc6

Bxc6 was practically forced as any other move losing material quickly. Mateulose is playing a conservative opening and should simply continue here with dxc6 but decides to "mix it up" but sending his Queen on a pawn grabbing expedition while he is undeveloped.

7 ..... Qxb2?!

He undoubtedly expects 8 Nd2 where he can then play bxc6 with advantage, but instead Gambitzoid finds a fine attacking move:

8 Nxe6!

Mateulose unexpectedly finds himself in trouble; White threatens the Knight fork at c7 and double attacks the Bishop at c5. fxe6 leads to a complex variation which goes to equality; Black's best move is Bxe3 getting 2 minor pieces for the Rook and pressure on White. Instead, he foolishly makes about the worst move on the board being "tactical":

8 ........ Bb4+?

A terrible move; White need only play Kf1 and Black is pretty much lost; if he grabs the rook, White follows with the Knight fork and Bd4 and Black's busted. Instead, Mateulose catches a break; White automatically blocks the check (normally a good idea but bad here: you have to analyze the position not be kneejerk):

9 Nd2? fxe6
10 Rb1 Qa3
11 Qh5+

Mateulose has recovered due to Gambitzoid's mistake and is only slightly inferior. He should realize that if he blocks he won't be able to castle effectively anyway and his rook will be exposed but he makes the same error as Gambitzoid did 2 moves earlier!:

11 ....... g6?
12 Qe5! Qc3 (forced; Bc3 loses immediately to Bd4)
13 Qxe6+ Ne7
14 Rxb4!

Another fine attacking move by Gambitzoid; Mateulose's only chance to survive is to take the Bishop at c6 with either pawn or maybe the Queen in which case he survives but with a seriously inferior game but instead he makes a final blunder:

14 ....... Qxb4??
15 Qe5 Resigns

The lines all lead to either the loss of the Rook or giving up the Queen to prevent mate. I'll review in the next post what Mateulose did wrong in this game.

Pencampwr Maes-e


15 Aug 04
14 Dec 04
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I enjoyed that. Nice work No1. Fancy looking at one of my masterpieces sometime?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by no1marauder
I have decided to perform a public service for all the people at RHP, particulary those who read the chess forums. Mateulose is constantly saying how much he sucks at chess and how he can't improve and is forever putting threads up complaining about this. So I am going to go over EVERY single loss Mateulose has on RHP and explain what he did wrong and w ...[text shortened]... prevent mate. I'll review in the next post what Mateulose did wrong in this game.

OK here's what you did wrong Mateulose:

1. You adopted a positional opening but almost immediately went tactical in it. Unless you're very sure of your opening lines, the Queen pawn grabbing at b2 is almost always going to give White a strong attack;

2. You underestimated your opponent. He doesn't know the book openings and he did make a mistake later, but he played strong attacking moves aimed at your weaknesses. You kept trying to mix it up with him, did not see his responses and were outplayed.

3. When you are under heavy attack, you should try to trade off the pieces doing the attacking, you twice failed to do so leaving his Knight and Bishop down your throat while you tried to make an unsound counterstrike. Break your opponent's attack first when you are playing Black; premature forays with Black almost always lead to loss.

I'm sure others can add to this list but those jump out. You obviously need to work on defensive principles or you won't get to endgames. I'll analyze any alternate lines people want to look at and do another game maybe tomorrow.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by SbecspeledrX
I enjoyed that. Nice work No1. Fancy looking at one of my masterpieces sometime?
I could use one of our games, but false modesty prevents it!!

Pencampwr Maes-e


15 Aug 04
14 Dec 04
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Scared I'll beat you in the next tourney? 😉


Hainesport, NJ, USA

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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Nice annotation, Marauder. Maybe they should bring a book out on Mataleuse's losses and he could sign all the copies. To be fair, some of the responses I would have fallen for too!


13 Feb 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by no1marauder
I have decided to perform a public service for all the people at RHP, particulary those who read the chess forums. Mateulose is constantly saying how much he sucks at chess and how he can't improve and is forever putting threads up complaining about this. So I am going to go over EVERY single loss Mateulose has on RHP and explain what he did wrong and w ...[text shortened]... prevent mate. I'll review in the next post what Mateulose did wrong in this game.

That opening sucks.


03 Sep 03
14 Dec 04
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The best part of you choosing this game to start with is:
From: http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=15563&page=5

Originally posted by Gambitzoid
your opponent wasnt a genius
he simply didnt suck as badly as you do!

Originally posted by Mateulose
I think it's time to challenge you to a game so you can STFU. Once I get another slot open, I'm taking you down, chickenhawk.

I wonder who is gonna STFU now....public challenges are fun...

Look, it's a title!

Run, it's offensive!

26 Aug 04
14 Dec 04
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"8 ........ Bb4+?

A terrible move; White need only play Kf1 and Black is pretty much lost; if he grabs the rook, White follows with the Knight fork and Bd4 and Black's busted. Instead, Mateulose catches a break; White automatically blocks the check (normally a good idea but bad here: you have to analyze the position not be kneejerk):"

Actually, the queen pawn grab wasn't a mistake, the FOLLOW UP was, however. This is a beyond terrible move, it was a premature check, a lot of GM's actually do this, I thought it was cool to get a check in, and his knight blockade protected his rook. If I DIDN'T do this terrible check and continued with my plan when I took the pawn with my queen, I could of won the exchange but seriously lacked development, do you see how I could of won the exchange, if I didn't play this check and continued with my combination properly?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by mateulose
"8 ........ Bb4+?

A terrible move; White need only play Kf1 and Black is pretty much lost; if he grabs the rook, White follows with the Knight fork and Bd4 and Black's busted. Instead, Mateulose catches a break; White automatically blocks the check (normally a good idea but bad here: you have to analyze the position not be kneejerk):"

Actually, t ...[text shortened]... f won the exchange, if I didn't play this check and continued with my combination properly?

No you couldn't have "won " the exchange, at least permanently - like I said 8 ...... fxe6 winds up even after 9 Bxc5 Qxa1 10 Bd4. Your best move was 8 ....... Bxe3. And if you can't see that the pawn grab got you in immediate trouble, then I'm wasting my time.

Look, it's a title!

Run, it's offensive!

26 Aug 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by no1marauder
No you couldn't have "won " the exchange, at least permanently - like I said 8 ...... fxe6 winds up even after 9 Bxc5 Qxa1 10 Bd4. Your best move was 8 ....... Bxe3. And if you can't see that the pawn grab got you in immediate trouble, then I'm wasting my time.
Oh, nice catch, I didn't see Bd4. What happens this game was I saw a player with a lower rating play a very bad opening and I wanted to punish him, I thought I saw a winning combination ASAP, due to the bad opening, I calculated about 4 moves deep, but I guess I should of went deeper to see it wouldn't work. I also didn't use the analyze board feature. I really don't know what to do about out of book openings, usually they are "out of book", because there are ways to zap them tacticly at the begining, which is why they are out of book to begin with. Out of book openings usually require out of book responses as the best moves, and those moves are usually tactics, as I've learned, whenever I see out of book moves, I think, "there must be a reason why this isn't played, I know in a book they showed me a trap somewhere in response to this, find a tactic."

Anyways, I don't really see how I could of received much of an advantage in this game, other then dealing with awkward tactical white moves the entire game, defending the entire game, and acheiving a better position in the endgame. I honestly got sick of winning this way game after game, it boils your mind and can get frustrating to defend so much and to be so patient, so I wanted to play like Paultopia, wild and crazy attacking with black, what a fruitless attempt it was. . .😞


27 Feb 02
14 Dec 04
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You know, I just figured what mateulose's name means, after all this time.

I suck!


15 Oct 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by mateulose
"8 ........ Bb4+?

A terrible move; White need only play Kf1 and Black is pretty much lost; if he grabs the rook, White follows with the Knight fork and Bd4 and Black's busted. Instead, Mateulose catches a break; White automatically blocks the check (normally a good idea but bad here: you have to analyze the position not be kneejerk):"

Actually, t ...[text shortened]... f won the exchange, if I didn't play this check and continued with my combination properly?

the pawn grab was a bad move, period. the bishop check made it worse but after running through fritz the game goes from (-.44) to (+.31) after the pawn grab. the bishop check makes it worse, that is true, but the pawn grab put you down in the first place. [and there is no way you could have won any exchange, what are you talking about??]

The reasons behind my playing Nxe6 were two fold. first of all, i saw the weakness of the f-pawn and a1-h8 diagonal similar to the damiano defense. after
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 f6?
3. Nxe5! fxe5
4. Qh5+

white has a winning game. i figured if the knight is worth one pawn against the damiano, it could be in that situation since the d pawn was pinned. At the same time i saw that his queen became almost worthless once trapped down at b2. so while i couldnt see the tactics immediately, i felt strongly that the weakness of the black's kingside would be enough.
and anyways, he was attacking me along the a5-e1 diagonal which is well protected versus my attack on the e8-h5 diagonal which is very weak. and finally his queen became almost a hostage in my territory and used my rook and pawns to threaten her and throw black off balance. it took a lot of studying, but i realized that qxb2 might be my best shot at attacking.

and secondly, a more psychological reason, i know that mateulose is a higher rated player, i hoped he would underestimate my attack, (and he did) and try to counter attack as black( usually a bad idea) when i saw his queen was gone i decided i had to strike fast.

youre right, Kf1 is superior to my Nd2, but im still winning after Nd2. Qxb2 turned your opening advantage into tactical mess.
mateulose, why cant you admit Qxb2 is a bad move? dont play it again in that situation and think twice before grabbing pawns. that is if you actually care about improving your chess game and are not simply groveling for sympathy.


15 Oct 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by mateulose
Oh, nice catch, I didn't see Bd4. What happens this game was I saw a player with a lower rating play a very bad opening and I wanted to punish him, I thought I saw a winning combination ASAP, due to the bad opening, I calculated about 4 ...[text shortened]... crazy attacking with black, what a fruitless attempt it was. . .😞
you could have gotten an advantage with
7... dxc6
8. 0-0 e5
9. Nf5 Bxf5
10. Bxc5 Qxc5
11. exf5=+

what's wrong with that? theres no need for qxb2, that was your advantage without needlessly defending and the rest of your whiny bullsh*t.

EDIT: I mean, come on, if youre not willing to play past fifteen moves without losing patience then chess isnt the game for you. im a pimple faced horny 17 yr old boy and i can keep focused on a chess match longer than that. if you feel anxious or something then dont move, wait a couple of hours relax and make a serious move.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Dec 04
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Originally posted by Gambitzoid
the pawn grab was a bad move, period. the bishop check made it worse but after running through fritz the game goes from (-.44) to (+.31) after the pawn grab. the bishop check makes it worse, that is true, but the pawn grab put you down in the first place. [and there is no way you could have won any exchange, what are you talking about??]

The reasons b ...[text shortened]... if you actually care about improving your chess game and are not simply groveling for sympathy.
I don't disagree with much that you've said, but if Black plays Kd1 instead of g6 in response to Qh5+, I still think it's a playable game though he's going to have a problem mobilizing the Queen side and his King will remain exposed. You might be ahead by a bit, but there's a lot of game to play where if you had played Kf1 instead of blocking with the Knight, I think Black is already done.

I think Mateulose pretty much admitted that he took you lightly because you were lower rated and that's always a mistake. In my opinion, it's generally better to avoid tactical fights with lower rated players and try to simply develop better; opportunities will be there and if your position is solid you won't get nasty surprises like Ne6. I still think you'd be better off studying some openings, Gambitzoid, as you really would have been in an inferior position if Mateulose hadn't went pawn grubbing. Funny thing is, has it turned out, you're the one who played the better opening because all your pieces but the King Rook were used to effect whereas Mateulose didn't develop half his back row. It was still a nicely played attack and I bet 90% of players would have missed Nxe6!

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