Here's a 3-0 I just finished, I sacrificed a bishop to gain a theoretically drawn position, when my opponent proceeded to blunder the game away quite quickly. 🙂
[Event "Rated game, 3m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2007.03.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Endrit_0001"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B01"]
[WhiteElo "1472"]
[BlackElo "1513"]
[PlyCount "79"]
[EventDate "2007.03.15"]
[TimeControl "180"]
1. e4 {1} d5 {5} 2. exd5 {1} Qxd5 {1} 3. Nc3 {0} Qd8 {1} 4. d3 {3} e6 {0} 5.
Bd2 {1} h6 {0} 6. Be2 {1} Nf6 {2} 7. Nf3 {1} c6 {1} 8. O-O {1} Be7 {0} 9. d4 {3
} Nbd7 {1} 10. Bd3 {1} b6 {1} 11. Re1 {1} Bb7 {1} 12. Qe2 {3} a6 {1} 13. Ne5 {4
} O-O {2} 14. Nxd7 {6} Qxd7 {1} 15. Qf3 {7} Qxd4 {10} 16. Qg3 {4} Bd6 {5} 17.
Qh3 {15} Bc5 {18} 18. Be3 {17} Qd6 {1} 19. Bxh6 {4} gxh6 {5} 20. Qxh6 {1} Qd4 {
15} 21. Re3 {11} Rfe8 {9} 22. Rg3+ {1} Ng4 {5} 23. Ne4 {9} (23. Rxg4+ Qxg4 24.
Bh7+ Kh8 25. Bg6+ Kg8 26. Qh7+ Kf8 27. Qxf7🙄 23... Qxf2+ {3} 24. Nxf2 {1}
Bxf2+ {2} 25. Kh1 {1} f5 {6} 26. Rxg4+ {3} fxg4 {2} 27. Qg6+ {4} Kf8 {2} 28.
Qf6+ {2} Kg8 {1} 29. Qxf2 {8} Rab8 {2} 30. Qg3 {1} Kf7 {3} 31. Qxg4 {2} Rg8 {2}
32. Qf4+ {4} Ke7 {1} 33. Qc7+ {3} Kf6 {3} 34. Rf1+ {4} Kg5 {3} 35. Qe7+ {5} Kh6
{3} 36. Rf6+ {4} Kh5 {3} 37. Qf7+ {3} Kg5 {4} 38. Rf3 {9} Rgf8 {6} 39. Rg3+ {1}
Kh4 {3} 40. Qh7# {(Lag: Av=0.40s, max=1.1s) 1} 1-0
Originally posted by Dutch DefenseWtf does that have to do with my sick game?
Game 3316612 Game in progress so... NO COMMENTS PLEASE! 😀
Originally posted by Dutch DefenseGame 3316612 is now over.
Game 3316612 Game in progress so... NO COMMENTS PLEASE! 😀
Originally posted by Diet CokeI play a lot of openings as both colors.
He's going to go through every bizarre opening with me.
The minute it looks dodgy he'll go.
Fancy a such and such and I'll feel obliged to drraw the current game to start a new one.:'(
As White: Bird, English, Queen's Gambit, King's Indian Attack, King's Gambit, Center Game, Giuoco Giano, Nimzowich-Larsen Attack.
As Black: Latvian Gambit, Dutch Defense, Budapest Gambit, King's Indian Defense, Alekhine Defense.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀