Game 12
A smashing game for those that like toe to toe blood and guts blunder chess.
My notes are guidelines. I could not possibly catch everything that was going on.
A lot of people will be grumbling about this one due to the mistakes their computers
will be telling them that were made. Computers know nothing about a human v human game.
Two great players under a great of pressure is something a machine cannot comprehend.
I’m not too bad when it gets heavy tactical, or I thought I was but this one caught me
dreaming. I admit I was seeing good things for Nepo when it fact he probably losing.
Great fun to watch . I’ll fish about for a good vid of this game for you. It was a cracker.
Blog Post 563
@greenpawn34 saidThe link sends me to the popst of making up for the rest day 🙁
Game 12
A smashing game for those that like toe to toe blood guts and blunder chess.
My notes are guidelines. I could not possibly catch everything that was going on.
A lot of people will be grumbling about this one due to the mistakes their computers
will be telling them that were made. Computers know nothing about a human v human game. Two great ...[text shortened]... for a good vid of this game for you. It was a cracker.
Blog Post 562