I've been playing in real tournaments for a few years and I could never understand the lack of closing ceremonies.
The winners are not presented and given the awards.
Instead they scramble at the sign in desk waiting for there check/trophy.
Why even go and compete if you are not willing to pay your respects to the winners?
I think if we made a presentation out of it, more people would try harder to win and compete more.
Nothing beats standing infront of everyone and showing them who is boss.
I think major tournaments have closing ceremonies, but I would like to see all tournaments do this.
The ones I go to have beginners through Grandmasters.
Anyone else think so?
Originally posted by AutomatonIs this an American phenomena, or is it the same everywhere?
I've been playing in real tournaments for a few years and I could never understand the lack of closing ceremonies.
I think major tournaments have closing ceremonies, but I would like to see all tournaments do this.
The ones I go to have beginners through Grandmasters.
Anyone else think so?
I'm not attending every tournament, but in my local club we always have a ceremony to honour the winners at the local tournaments.
I went to the last day of the Swedish Champoinship one year, and they had a marvelous ceremony at the end.
So I don't recognize your description, therefore I suspect it is different throughout the world. As I get it - A good tournament have a good ending!
I won a small prize at this years Scarborough Congress (£15 quid - joint 3rd or something - the cheque is still un cashed in my wallet).
I hung around because someone else from my club had won a grading prize in his section, which was a bit more money, and as we were all going back to Leeds together the others waited too.
I found the whole thing a bit embarrassing to be honest - especially when someone snapped a photo of me just as I was been handed my cheque - I’d not had a shave for 3 days, I was carrying my backpack and wearing a scruffy clothes - thankfully it didn’t end up on the website!
I think I’d sooner have just anonymously gone up to the desk to claim my cheque to be honest! 😀