Only Chess
25 Apr 22
25 Apr 22
I've discovered that most of my 'brilliant' wins are shown to be somewhat less than fully sound by the $&*# computer afterwards. Here's a tribute thread for such flawed masterpieces.
And sadly, the computer pointed out that:
2.Qh2 was much better than Rh8
, and
After 3.Qh2+, Qh4 spoils the mate, only going down a Q.
@bigdogg saidMeh, you still have a win, it looks like he'll also drop a rook?
I've discovered that most of my 'brilliant' wins are shown to be somewhat less than fully sound by the $&*# computer afterwards. Here's a tribute thread for such flawed masterpieces.
[FEN "2r3k1/1p1nq1p1/p1b1p1P1/3pPr2/1P3P2/P7/1B1Q2B1/2R1K2R w K - 1 27"]
[SetUp "1"]
27. Be4 { Normally, a move like this causes the opponent to snap to attention. } 27... dxe4 { Op ...[text shortened]... d out that:
1) Hidden content removed, and
2) Hidden content removed
Alarm bells should be going off when a good player offers to sac a piece, clearing a Q maneuver to an open file straight to the K. I would have declined the piece on sheer instinct.
However, even after 1. Be4 Nf8; 2. Qh2 Nxg6 3. Qh7+ Kf8; QxNg6 threatening Rh8 ++ ... Black is in serious trouble.
@moonbus saidAfter 3. Qh7+, 3...Kf7 seems a tougher defense.
Alarm bells should be going off when a good player offers to sac a piece, clearing a Q maneuver to an open file straight to the K. I would have declined the piece on sheer instinct.
However, even after 1. Be4 Nf8; 2. Qh2 Nxg6 3. Qh7+ Kf8; QxNg6 threatening Rh8 ++ ... Black is in serious trouble.