31 Dec 11
White to play and mate in 7 moves.
(White goes first and will deliver checkmate on his 7th move.)
Be careful what you do with the White King.
If it strays onto a clear rank then the Black Rook will check allowing Kg7.
The final mating position is not the obvious one you can see from the diagram.
Composed by G.Sladek 1957.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Very Reti-esque!
[FEN "7k/5prp/K3pN1R/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Rh2 {White sets up a mating zugzwang. Black tries to avoid mate for as long as possible} 1... e5 2. Kb5 {The White King stalks the Black Pawn like a....Scorpion.} 2... e4 3. Kc4 e3 4. Kd3 e2 5. Kxe2 {He captures the pawn on the correct square. Black's next move is forced if he wants to avoid being mated next move.} 5... Rg2+ 6. Rxg2 h6 7. Rg8 {And that is checkmate on move 7.}[/pgn]