Currently I am playing in the Corus Chess 2007 tournament. (amateur offcourse) 🙂
Yesterday I reached this position after my opponent (Van Nes) played 23..Nc6-a5
Here I played 24. Nf3xd4.
After 24.... c5xd4, 25 f5-f6 he played 25....Na5xb3 and congratualated me. (His way of resigning).
I'm not quite sure Nf3xd4 is solid though. I analyzed it (I have no software yet). I think after taking the Knight and 25 f5-f6 his best move is g7-g5. But that wont hold against 26 Rf1-f5.
Can I have your opinion? is 24 Nf3xd4 winning, losing or keeping it equal? I wil not be able to use analyzing software until sunday, your help is app! 🙂
well I think f6 right away might have been better, or at least simpler. after Qxf6 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 black is in troubles.
EDIT: or in fact, Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Nxb3 Raf1 seems good for white.
EDIT2: although Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Kh8 might be a refute
EDIT3: missed that the black knight is hanging if queen takes f6-pawn. Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Kh8 Rxg5 Qxf6 Rxa5. So I guess it must be ...Nxb3 and maybe Raf1.