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Currently I am playing in the Corus Chess 2007 tournament. (amateur offcourse) 🙂

Yesterday I reached this position after my opponent (Van Nes) played 23..Nc6-a5

Here I played 24. Nf3xd4.
After 24.... c5xd4, 25 f5-f6 he played 25....Na5xb3 and congratualated me. (His way of resigning).

I'm not quite sure Nf3xd4 is solid though. I analyzed it (I have no software yet). I think after taking the Knight and 25 f5-f6 his best move is g7-g5. But that wont hold against 26 Rf1-f5.

Can I have your opinion? is 24 Nf3xd4 winning, losing or keeping it equal? I wil not be able to use analyzing software until sunday, your help is app! 🙂

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if he played 25... g5 looks like he'd still be in the game. Great move by the way (Nxd4!)

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I think 24. Nxd4 was an excellent sacrifice, though I can't find a forced mate.

24. Nxd4 cxd4
25. f6 g5
26. Rf5 Nxb3
27. Rxg5+ Kh8

and then I think White's best move is 28. Qf4

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Rf5 looks excellent!!!

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Thx for the reactions! I will reply to your posts tonight
I'm going off to play again. CU

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well I think f6 right away might have been better, or at least simpler. after Qxf6 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 black is in troubles.

EDIT: or in fact, Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Nxb3 Raf1 seems good for white.

EDIT2: although Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Kh8 might be a refute

EDIT3: missed that the black knight is hanging if queen takes f6-pawn. Nxd4 cxd4 f6 g5 Rf5 Kh8 Rxg5 Qxf6 Rxa5. So I guess it must be ...Nxb3 and maybe Raf1.

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24. Nxd4 cxd4
25. f6 g5
26. Qh3 Kh7 (forced)
27. Qf5+ Kh8
28.Qxa5 +-
keeps the strong bishop on b3 and the superb pawn on f6 etc.

better to decline the sacrifice with 24...Qf6!
25.Ne2 Nxb3
26.axb3 Qxb2?!
27.f6 g6 is unclear

alternatively 26...d5 to try and get the bishop into play

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Originally posted by aginis
24. Nxd4 cxd4
25. f6 g5
26. Qh3 Kh7 (forced)
27. Qf5+ Kh8
28.Qxa5 +-
28...Qxa5 -+

but 24. Nxd4 cxd4
25. f6 g5
26. Qh3 Kh7
27. Qf5+ Kh8
28. Qh3 Kh7 forces a draw!?

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duuhhh i'm not sure how i missed that.

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