Hi Woody.
"He was totally winning too."
Not having a go mate but if you refer to a game in this day and age it so
easy to drop it into the forum. You have obviously seen the game and
sharing is nice. (end of lecture) 😉
According to some lad on chessgames.com this makes it 8-0 (with 15 draws) in Carlsen's favour.
If so then the Nak has some big psycological hurdle to get over.
When he does...and surely he eventually will, Things may turn around.
I had a 9-0 (no draws) score over a Scottish lad then one day he won one.
then another...and another....he pulled it back to 9-5 till I finally drew one.
I'm sure we would all like to see a World Championship between these two
Stranger things can happen. I remember Alekhine was +0-8 lifetime against Capa before taking the world title in 1927. Maybe Nakamura should devote himself to really studying the game on his own,and stop depending on engines,databases,and seconds doing all the work for him. Carlsen grew up reading and digesting the works of the Old pre-war masters,something that most young players don't even know about.