Ones not requiring a degree in anything like maths, statistics, economics or physics. Games that can be solved by anyone with a sufficient interest in logic, trial and error and a bit of luck.
1. Sudoku (not the killer level). 2. Sumplete. 3. Wordle, plain vanilla and its multiple-simultaneous and varying-length options. 4. Polygonle. 5. Squareword. 6. Quintessential. 7. Mathler. 8. Waffle. 9. Squaredle. 10. Anagram. 11. Cryptogram. 12.
@Kewpie Foursight was one I enjoyed in the 1970s
@kewpie said 1. Sudoku (not the killer level). 2. Sumplete. 3. Wordle, plain vanilla and its multiple-simultaneous and varying-length options. 4. Polygonle. 5. Squareword. 6. Quintessential. 7. Mathler. 8. Waffle. 9. Squaredle. 10. Anagram. 11. Cryptogram. 12.
I'll play anything that is designed for a single-player game, but Candy Crush is a bit too basic. I loved the original Angry Birds, got every last one out to 3 stars eventually!
Linkenheim German langauge, but I think self-explaining
Logic Puzzles
New England USA
Luxor and Puzzle Kingdoms are a couple that I enjoy
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