Originally posted by sonhouseIf it isn't legal in scrabble it isn't legal here. So no Missi isn't allowed.
Missi is a name, maybe not legal in this case.
mi (do, re, mi)
['beglitter', 'belitter', 'blitter', 'litter', 'liter', 'lier', 'lie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['externals', 'external', 'eternal', 'ternal', 'terna', 'tera', 'era', 'ra', 'a'] 9
['replaster', 'relaster', 'relater', 'elater', 'later', 'late', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['branchery', 'brancher', 'rancher', 'rancer', 'racer', 'race', 'ace', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['espantoon', 'spantoon', 'pantoon', 'panton', 'panto', 'pato', 'pat', 'at', 'a'] 9
['emendable', 'mendable', 'endable', 'enable', 'nable', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['shameable', 'shamable', 'shamble', 'hamble', 'amble', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['silverily', 'silverly', 'silvery', 'silver', 'siver', 'sier', 'sir', 'si', 'i'] 9
['treachery', 'teachery', 'teacher', 'teache', 'tache', 'ache', 'ace', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['uparching', 'parching', 'arching', 'aching', 'ching', 'hing', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 9
['sparringly', 'sparingly', 'springly', 'springy', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i'] 10
['scrabbler', 'scabbler', 'cabbler', 'cabler', 'abler', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['scrabbled', 'scrabble', 'scabble', 'cabble', 'cable', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['lacerated', 'lacerate', 'acerate', 'cerate', 'crate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['scrappler', 'scrapler', 'scraper', 'scrape', 'crape', 'rape', 'ape', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['ecardinal', 'cardinal', 'carinal', 'carnal', 'canal', 'anal', 'aal', 'al', 'a'] 9
['pinnaclet', 'pinnacle', 'pinnace', 'pinnae', 'pinna', 'pina', 'pia', 'pa', 'a'] 9
['strangler', 'stranger', 'strange', 'strang', 'stang', 'tang', 'tag', 'ta', 'a'] 9
['estranger', 'stranger', 'strange', 'strang', 'stang', 'tang', 'tag', 'ta', 'a'] 9
['unpraised', 'unpraise', 'upraise', 'praise', 'raise', 'rise', 'rie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['schapping', 'chapping', 'chappin', 'chapin', 'chain', 'hain', 'hin', 'in', 'i'] 9
['strophaic', 'strophic', 'trophic', 'tropic', 'topic', 'topi', 'toi', 'ti', 'i'] 9
['casemated', 'casemate', 'caseate', 'casate', 'caste', 'cate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['untrailed', 'untailed', 'untiled', 'untile', 'utile', 'tile', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['tabularly', 'tabulary', 'tabular', 'tabula', 'taula', 'aula', 'ula', 'la', 'a'] 9
['amendable', 'mendable', 'endable', 'enable', 'nable', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['heathenry', 'heathery', 'heather', 'heater', 'hater', 'hate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['ampullary', 'ampullar', 'ampulla', 'amulla', 'mulla', 'ulla', 'ula', 'la', 'a'] 9
['concreate', 'cocreate', 'ocreate', 'create', 'crate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['unstilled', 'untilled', 'untiled', 'untile', 'utile', 'tile', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['jatrophic', 'atrophic', 'trophic', 'tropic', 'topic', 'topi', 'toi', 'ti', 'i'] 9
['laureated', 'laureate', 'aureate', 'aurate', 'urate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['strangles', 'strangle', 'strange', 'strang', 'stang', 'tang', 'tag', 'ta', 'a'] 9
['unstilted', 'untilted', 'untiled', 'untile', 'utile', 'tile', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['belittler', 'belitter', 'blitter', 'litter', 'liter', 'lier', 'lie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['spendable', 'sendable', 'endable', 'enable', 'nable', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['springlet', 'springle', 'pringle', 'ringle', 'ringe', 'rine', 'rie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['turntable', 'turnable', 'tunable', 'unable', 'nable', 'able', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['twitterly', 'twittery', 'tittery', 'titter', 'titer', 'tier', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['scrambler', 'scambler', 'scamler', 'scaler', 'scale', 'sale', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['picketeer', 'picketer', 'pickeer', 'picker', 'piker', 'pier', 'pir', 'pi', 'i'] 9
['stamineal', 'staminal', 'stamina', 'stamin', 'stain', 'tain', 'tin', 'in', 'i'] 9
['triangler', 'triangle', 'tringle', 'ringle', 'ringe', 'rine', 'rie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['abranchial', 'branchial', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 10
['shallowly', 'shallowy', 'sallowy', 'sallow', 'allow', 'alow', 'alo', 'al', 'a'] 9
['swindlery', 'swindler', 'swindle', 'sindle', 'sidle', 'idle', 'ide', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['springily', 'springly', 'springy', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i'] 9
['untwilled', 'untilled', 'untiled', 'untile', 'utile', 'tile', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['tridental', 'triental', 'trental', 'rental', 'renal', 'real', 'rea', 'ea', 'a'] 9
['floriated', 'floriate', 'florate', 'lorate', 'orate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['haughtily', 'haughtly', 'haughty', 'haught', 'aught', 'augh', 'auh', 'ah', 'a'] 9
['unparching', 'uparching', 'parching', 'arching', 'aching', 'ching', 'hing', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 10
['remigrate', 'emigrate', 'migrate', 'mirate', 'irate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['astringer', 'stringer', 'stinger', 'tinger', 'tiger', 'tier', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['teacherly', 'teachery', 'teacher', 'teache', 'tache', 'ache', 'ace', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['tricksily', 'trickily', 'trickly', 'tickly', 'ticky', 'tick', 'tic', 'ti', 'i'] 9
['coronaled', 'coronale', 'coronae', 'corona', 'coroa', 'cora', 'ora', 'ra', 'a'] 9
['pearlfish', 'pearlish', 'parlish', 'palish', 'alish', 'lish', 'lis', 'is', 'i'] 9
['branchiae', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 9
['branchial', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 9
['strapping', 'trapping', 'rapping', 'raping', 'aping', 'ping', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 9
['camphoryl', 'camphory', 'camphor', 'campho', 'campo', 'camp', 'cap', 'ca', 'a'] 9
['ministrer', 'minister', 'minster', 'minter', 'miner', 'mine', 'min', 'in', 'i'] 9
['bannister', 'banister', 'baister', 'bister', 'biter', 'bite', 'bit', 'it', 'i'] 9
['triangled', 'triangle', 'tringle', 'ringle', 'ringe', 'rine', 'rie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['camphoroyl', 'camphoryl', 'camphory', 'camphor', 'campho', 'campo', 'camp', 'cap', 'ca', 'a'] 10
['separable', 'sparable', 'parable', 'parale', 'parle', 'pale', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['branchiate', 'branchiae', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 10
['coronated', 'coronate', 'coronae', 'corona', 'coroa', 'cora', 'ora', 'ra', 'a'] 9
['startling', 'starling', 'staring', 'string', 'sting', 'ting', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 9
['teaseller', 'teaseler', 'teasler', 'teaser', 'easer', 'ease', 'ase', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['macerater', 'macerate', 'acerate', 'cerate', 'crate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['sheathery', 'heathery', 'heather', 'heater', 'hater', 'hate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['spareable', 'sparable', 'parable', 'parale', 'parle', 'pale', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['strickler', 'stickler', 'tickler', 'ticker', 'ticer', 'tier', 'tie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['sparingly', 'springly', 'springy', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i'] 9
['laminated', 'laminate', 'laminae', 'lamina', 'lamia', 'lama', 'ama', 'ma', 'a'] 9
['sparkling', 'sparling', 'sparing', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i'] 9
['slightily', 'slightly', 'sightly', 'sighty', 'sight', 'sigh', 'sig', 'si', 'i'] 9
['expalpate', 'epalpate', 'palpate', 'palate', 'alate', 'late', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 9
['strippler', 'trippler', 'rippler', 'ripper', 'riper', 'rier', 'rie', 'ie', 'i'] 9
['abranchiate', 'branchiate', 'branchiae', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 11
["restraint's", 'restraints', 'restrains', 'retrains', 'retains', 'retain', 'retin', 'rein', 'rin', 'in', 'i'] 11
['emasculates', 'emasculate', 'masculate', 'maculate', 'maculae', 'macule', 'macle', 'acle', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 11
['emasculated', 'emasculate', 'masculate', 'maculate', 'maculae', 'macule', 'macle', 'acle', 'ale', 'ae', 'a'] 11
['compositing', 'composting', 'composing', 'compoing', 'comping', 'coping', 'oping', 'ping', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 11
['preplanting', 'replanting', 'replating', 'relating', 'elating', 'eating', 'ating', 'ting', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 11
['predeprived', 'prederived', 'prederive', 'predrive', 'redrive', 'redive', 'reive', 'rive', 'ive', 'ie', 'i'] 11
['sparklingly', 'sparkingly', 'sparingly', 'springly', 'springy', 'spring', 'sprig', 'prig', 'pig', 'pi', 'i'] 11
['reemigrated', 'remigrated', 'emigrated', 'migrated', 'migrate', 'mirate', 'irate', 'rate', 'ate', 'ae', 'a'] 11
['foraminated', 'foraminate', 'forminate', 'formiate', 'formate', 'format', 'forma', 'fora', 'ora', 'ra', 'a'] 11
['abranchiate', 'branchiate', 'branchiae', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 11
['carabiniere', 'carabinier', 'carabiner', 'carabine', 'arabine', 'arabin', 'arain', 'rain', 'ain', 'in', 'i'] 11
['carabinieri', 'carabinier', 'carabiner', 'carabine', 'arabine', 'arabin', 'arain', 'rain', 'ain', 'in', 'i'] 11
["partridge's", 'partridges', 'parridges', 'parridge', 'arridge', 'aridge', 'ridge', 'ride', 'ide', 'ie', 'i'] 11
['unstartling', 'unstarting', 'unstating', 'unsating', 'unsting', 'unsing', 'using', 'sing', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 11
['carabineros', 'carabinero', 'carabiner', 'carabine', 'arabine', 'arabin', 'arain', 'rain', 'ain', 'in', 'i'] 11
['complecting', 'completing', 'competing', 'compting', 'comping', 'coping', 'oping', 'ping', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 11
['palatinates', 'palatinate', 'platinate', 'patinate', 'patinae', 'patine', 'paine', 'aine', 'ane', 'ae', 'a'] 11
['unpreaching', 'upreaching', 'preaching', 'peaching', 'peching', 'eching', 'ching', 'hing', 'ing', 'in', 'i'] 11
Originally posted by chess kid1stringier
Name one 9-letter word, in which, when a letter is removed each time, forms another word.
remove one r, and the word becomes: stingier
remove one i, and the word becomes: stinger
remove the t, and the word becomes: singer
remove the other r, and the word becomes: singe
remove the g, and the word becomes: sine
remove the e, and the word becomes: sin
remove the s, and the word becomes: in
remove the n, and the word becomes: I
Originally posted by XanthosNZFound those all on your own, eh🙂
['foraminated', 'foraminate', 'forminate', 'formiate', 'formate', 'format', 'forma', 'fora', 'ora', 'ra', 'a'] 11
['abranchiate', 'branchiate', 'branchiae', 'branchia', 'branchi', 'branch', 'ranch', 'rach', 'ach', 'ah', 'a'] 11
['carabiniere', 'carabinier', 'carabiner', 'carabine', 'arabine', 'arabin', 'arain', 'rain', 'ain', 'in', 'i'] 11
[ ...[text shortened]...
Originally posted by sonhouseTake a dictionary. Remove all words that don't contain an I or an A (as only words containing those letters can have a 1 letter word in them). Now run an algorithm that picks a 9 letter word and then checks if any of the 8 letter words that it contains are in the dictionary. Now take any of those words that exist and check for 7 letter words it contains. Continue, stopping if at any point the word no longer contains an I or A.
Found those all on your own, eh🙂
Repeat for all 9 or longer letters in the dictionary.
Originally posted by XanthosNZAnd that doesn't even count the older dictionaries. There are probably twice what your algo found!
Take a dictionary. Remove all words that don't contain an I or an A (as only words containing those letters can have a 1 letter word in them). Now run an algorithm that picks a 9 letter word and then checks if any of the 8 letter words that it contains are in the dictionary. Now take any of those words that exist and check for 7 letter words it contains. C ...[text shortened]... t the word no longer contains an I or A.
Repeat for all 9 or longer letters in the dictionary.
Scanning them in would be a byitch though....