Originally posted by Freddie2004I have a few ideas.
so, black to move, any idea how he can win from this position?
[fen]2r3k1/5p2/4pp1p/1p6/pNpPP3/P7/5PPP/1R4K1 b - - 0 1[/fen]
1) Slip some money under the table
2) Slide a captured bQ onto a border square and hope White doesn't notice
3) Hire hot chick to distract opponent
4) Two words: Malt liquor
Other than BigdoggProblem's ideas, three moves come to mind: 1. ...Rc6?! 1. ...Rc5?! and 1. ...resigns!! (white has a mate in 29 moves: 1... Kf8 2. Nc2 Rb8 3. Kf1 Ke7 4. Ne3 Rd8 5. Rxb5 Rxd4 6. Rb4 Kd6 7. Rxc4 Rxc4 8. Nxc4+ Kc5 9. Nb2 Kd4 10. Nxa4 Kxe4 11. Nc5+ Kd4 12. Nd7 f5 13. a4 Kc4 14. h4 h5 15. Nf6 Kb4 16. Nxh5 Kxa4 17. Nf6 Kb4 18. h5 Kc5 19. h6 Kc4 20. h7 Kd3 21. h8=Q Kc4 22. Qc8+ Kb4 23. Ke2 e5 24. Nd5+ Kb5 25. Kd3 e4+
26. Kd4 Ka4 27. Qc4+ Ka3 28. Kc3 f4 29. Qa6#
{White mates} 1-0)
Originally posted by Palynkalol well done...it from was from a school tourney game that was drawn because of time limitations and i just wanted to see if my team could have won!
I was just joking...
Maybe it's not "legal" because he's trying to win a game (on RHP or other site) with the help of fellow forummers.
Or maybe I'm just being unfair...