Originally posted by kbaumenI've looked over it again and again and I can not see it! I feel it has to do with a knight move but I just can't see! There are mate in 2's if black plays a certain move but there is no guarantee black will play those moves therefore there is no mate in 2!
[fen]2bb1K2/4p3/5k1n/3QNP2/5R1P/8/8/8 w[/fen]
This is interesting - mate in two.
P.s. Please, as always, don't post the answers, if you think, you've solved it, then PM me the answer.
I agree I wouldn't see it normally but I've done it! Sorry if i spoil it but everyone always seems to get the answer before me anyway. I originally thought:
Qf7+ NxQ
but it has no defense against KxN, so I think the move is:
Nd7+! Bxd7
Thanks to everyone who helped me. It's really boosted my chess confidence.