This was a position I reached against an elo average 1850. I was playing black, and the time controls for the game were 40/2 SD 1. In time trouble just before the 40th move I played rf8, and resigned a move later to Qd1. As it turns out there was a relatively simple drawing line instead of rf8. Can you find it? If you do find the solution please send it to me in a message instead of posting. thanks 🙂
I still believe White will win. But here are some ideas:
Obviously 1... Rf8 loses to 2. Qd1.
So what about 1... Qc1+ 2. Kh2 Qc7+ 3. g3?
Now without the mate threat on Qxf7 followed by Qxg7 Black could already take the d-pawn. But f7 has to be protected. 3... f6 will be mate, same with Kh8 or Qc4. Therefore 3... Rf8 is only possible move.
I think White has clear advantage now and several winning lines. For example 4. Qf4 Qd8 5. Qxb5 and so on. Or: 4. Qd5 Qd8 5. Re3 and Black probably has to play b3 giving the pawn just to start counterpressure, because of White's Qc6-Re8 threat.
So where can Black play different? I dont see it (yet).
I can't tell you or I would be giving it away for other viewers. If you're really interested and want me to tell you I'll message you the answer. Also you're posting ideas on here, which is kind of unfair to others who want to solve it on their own, so please instead of posting just send me your ideas. thanks 🙂
Originally posted by kbaumenIf your drawing line is not something else than starting with 1. ... Qc1+, then the refutation posted above looks convincing to me, and you are invited to post the flaws. If it is something else, then even more so.
If you, Artplayer, get your line refuted, by these two players (Mephisto and Crazyblue) via PM, then please send me a PM of how they refuted it because I think black can easily gain a draw here.
EDIT: And it would very interesting to see that.