This comes from a book Amusements in Mathematics, by H E Dudeney (No 355)
Strolling into one of the rooms of a London club, I notice a position left by two players who had gone. It is evident that White has checkmated Black. But how did he do it??
The board looks like this:
White has a Bishop on b1, pawns on a2, f6, g5, h4. King on g8
Black has a pawn on h5 and his King on g6.
Originally posted by CalJustexf6 e.p.?
This comes from a book Amusements in Mathematics, by H E Dudeney (No 355)
Strolling into one of the rooms of a London club, I notice a position left by two players who had gone. It is evident that White has checkmated Black. But how did he do it??
The board looks like this:
White has a Bishop on b1, pawns on a2, f6, g5, h4. King on g8
Black has a pawn on h5 and his King on g6.
Originally posted by eyeqpcNo, this is correct. Set up the board:
I think Mephisto was right.
The board would have been set up as such
Black then would advance his f pawn 2 spaces to f5 to block check.
Then White would take the f pawn (en passent) exf6 resulting in checkmate
1. e5+ f5 2. exf6++
Very intriguing puzzle! The thing I wonder about is .... Where was Blacks King before moving to g6?. It could NOT have been on the f5 square... example e4+ Kf5-g6 because of the B@b1.
The best I can come up with is that the white g-pawn was at g4 and that would allow the Black King to occupy h6. If so then the e.p. solution works.... 1.g4-g5+ Kh6-g6 2.e4-e5+ f7-f5 3.e5-f6 e.p.++.
Would the person with the solution post the answer please?