In the following position the great Cuban Master Jose Raul Capablanca as white outwitted his opponent Laskar, who held the title of a world champion for a record 27 years, in a spectacular and sterling moves!
Solution:1.NxN NxN 2.R-a8+! NxR 3.K-c8 Black resigns.
In commemoration of this victory, Cuba released a stamp featuring this chess position to honour the Greatest player ever lived on this earth. For anyone interested to see the stamp, here is the link:
In the following chess problem White has to draw against the battery of black pawns assisted by their bishop. How to accomplish the task?
White hopes to trade his rook for Black's connected central pawns and reach a theoretical draw against the h-pawn and "wrong" bishop. First, 1 Re5? e3 2 Kg4 e2 3 Kxf4 e1/Q? 4 Rxe1+ Kxe1 5 Kf3! Kf1 6 Kg3 h5 (else 7 Kg2 or 7 Kh2 and draws) 7 Kh4 would draw as planned, except for 3 ... Bh2+! winning. Note that the position after 6 Kg3 is a mutual zugzwang: were it White's turn he would lose quickly after 7 Kf3 Bf2(h2) or 7 Kh3 Kf2 8 Kg4 Kg2 and 9 ... Be3. This explains Black's play against the second thematic try:1 Rc4! e3 And now 2 Rxf4!? e2 3 Re4 e1/Q+! 4 Rxe1+ Kxe1, and this too is a mutual zugzwang, White losing as before with 5 Kg3 Kf1, 5 Kh3 Kf2, or 5 Kg4 Ke2! 6 Kg3 Kf1. But had Black played here 2 ... Kd2 3 Rxe2+ Kxe2 then White would instead prevail by zugzwang with 4 Kg4! and now 4 ... Kf1(Ke3) 5 Kg3! and 4 ... Ke1 5 Kf3! draw as in the first thematic try, while 4 ... Kf2 blocks the Bg1 and thus abandons the remaining pawn to 5 Kh5. Hence the solution: after 1 Rc4 e3 White interpolates 2 Rd4+! Kc2 Or 2 ... Kc1; blocking the e-pawn with 2 ... Ke1(e2)? only helps White. Only now does White play 3 Rxf4 e2 4 Re4 Kd2 Note the threat 5 ... Be3! winning outright-- if 5 Re8 Be3 6 Rd8+ the Black king runs to h5 or h7 and then the e-pawn promotes. 5 Rxe2+ Kxe2 6 Kg4! And White draws by the progressive zugzwang analysis above. Remarkable depth with only four men in play!
Real Name: R.Kesavan
Originally posted by kesavan7777Do you know that it is generally an idea to post the board over the answer and not the answer first?
In the following chess problem White has to draw against the battery of black pawns assisted by their bishop. How to accomplish the task?
White hopes to trade his rook for Black's connected central pawns and reach a theoretical draw against the h-pawn and "wrong" bishop. First, 1 Re5? e3 2 Kg4 e2 3 Kxf4 e1/Q? 4 Rxe1+ Kxe1 5 Kf3! Kf1 6 Kg3 ...[text shortened]... ur men in play!
Real Name: R.Kesavan[fen]8/8/7p/2R5/4pp1K/8/8/3k2b1[/fen]
Also, you posted these on another thread.