Originally posted by stan32211...Qxb2+ 2.Bxb2 Bb4+
[fen]r4rk1/2q2ppp/3b1n2/3p4/b2Np2N/2B1P1P1/qP1K1P1P/3RQB1R w - - 0 1[/fen]
This is a position i had in one of my games. I thought it was interesting. It's probably easy to find forced mate but I thought I would share it. Post forced mate positions of your own if you want.
Find forced mate. Black to move.
3.Ke2 Qc4+ 4.Rd3 Qxd3#
3.Bc3 Qxc3+ 4.Ke2 Qc4+ etc.
Having 2 Qs rocks.
Originally posted by SwissGambitI refreshed this to check no-one had got in before me, beaten by a minute then.
1...Qxb2+ 2.Bxb2 Bb4+3.Ke2 Qc4+ 4.Rd3 Qxd3#
3.Bc3 Qxc3+ 4.Ke2 Qc4+ etc.
Having 2 Qs rocks.
Having two queens isn't always too useful though. Was two up recently and lost (although I think by that point the game had been lost).