Originally posted by doodinthemood
[fen]B7/N7/P7/B7/N7/R7/Q7/RK1k4 w - - 0 1[/fen]
White to play, #5, only white king can move
[fen]4B3/3R4/8/5Q2/P7/k4KP1/P7/4B3 w - - 0 1[/fen]
White to play, #4, only white rook can move
anybody know any others?
White to play, #5, only white king can move
Single fen per post.
Originally posted by heinzkat1. Kh2 (takes opposition)
Hmm... I do know this one:
[fen]7k/8/8/8/8/8/8/5R1K w - -[/fen]
White to move and mate; only the last move may be with the Rook (all others must be King moves)
White plays to retain opposition. If 1...Kg8 2. Kg2 Kh8 3. Kf3. As long as black stays on the h-file, white can stay on the f-file, eventually forcing mate on the h-file, where as if black stays on the g-file, white does the same, with the opposition and eventually white will play Kg6 when black is on g8 and black plays Kh8 then Rf8 mate.
Originally posted by doodinthemoodT.R. Dawson did one where White mates in 8 with a Queen, which does not move. I'll try to find that one later.
Good puzzle Heinzkat, and actually useful to remember for endgames. Also, well solved swiss. Do you know any of these style?
[fen]7k/4PP2/8/5K2/6P1/8/8/8 w[/fen]
White to play, #4, only moving pawns.