So the world generates about 50 odd terawatts of energy. So suppose you had a magic matter antimatter converter and re-converter which generated that much energy.
How much total matter would be converted per year, lets assume 100% conversion and generation and with the new magical hyperconductor (superconductor that works at 2000 degrees C and below)
Originally posted by eltrickyEr, I think you read it wrong, I didn't put in a minus sign. I was just posing how much antimatter mixed with matter that would give 50 TW for a year, calling a year 8000 hours for simplicity, 400,000 TW hours of energy. I was able to do an approximation in my head.
Happy with the matter/anti matter conversion. After all they do that on Star Trek, which as we all know is true. I like to think of it as a documentary about something that has not happened yet.
-2000C. Please, lets get real. -273K absolute zero. You can't break the laws of physics!
The best superconductors so far only work at the temperature of liquid nitrogen or so. A room temperature superconductor would be a game changer for transmission of power but I like to extend that to a couple thousand degrees C, that way you could have a superconducting shield around a space shuttle and if it went bonkers would take the 2500 degree F temperature of re-entry.
I think the higher the temperature superconductor the higher the magnetic field it can generate and repel.