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Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Lateral Thinking Puzzle

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A man was born before his father killed his mother and sister. How is this possible?
Yes or No questions to figure out the answer.

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Originally posted by benkoboy
A man was born before his father killed his mother and sister. How is this possible?
Yes or No questions to figure out the answer.
The man was born in 1952. His sister was born in 1957. In 1965 his father killed his mother and sister.

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sorry I meant A man was born before his father married his sister and killed his mother.

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Originally posted by benkoboy
sorry I meant A man was born before his father married his sister and killed his mother.
Did the father marry the father's sister, or the "man's" sister? Did the father kill the father's mother, or the "man's" mother?

The sentence is very unclear.

Here's a possible answer:

The 'father' gets a girl pregnant in 1950. The 'man' is born in 1951. In 1952, the 'father' marries the 'father's' sister (the 'man's' aunt) and kills the 'father's' mother (the man's' grandmother).

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Originally posted by benkoboy
sorry I meant A man was born before his father married his sister and killed his mother.
It might be a candidate for the Jerry Springer show, but what do you mean "how can this be"?

All that's needed for someone to be born is for both parents to have been alive 9 months beforehand. The father's still alive (in fact he's doing all SORTS of things) and the mother didn't die until the end. There isn't even a problem to solve here.

Want to try again?

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Sorry for being unclear ill try this again. The Man Married HIS blood sister. Was born before HIS father. And killed HIS mom. But society still considered him normal. They are all in his intermediate family. Sorry for the confusion.

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Originally posted by benkoboy
Sorry for being unclear ill try this again. The Man Married HIS blood sister. Was born before HIS father. And killed HIS mom. But society still considered him normal. They are all in his intermediate family. Sorry for the confusion.
Ok, let me see if I have it now:

There is a man who was born before his own father was born. This man married his own sister and killed his own mother. His sister, mother and father are all in the man's immediate family. Society considers the man normal. Not all members of society are in the man's immediate family.

Is that it?

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Yes thank you for explaining but some of the words are tricky I wont say anthing else or you will know how to solve the puzzle

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The man joined the priesthood - hence marrying his sister.
His mum died during childbirth.
He was born earlier in the year than his dad (albeit a later year).

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Originally posted by Peakite
The man joined the priesthood - hence marrying his sister.
His mum died during childbirth.
He was born earlier in the year than his dad (albeit a later year).
Almost, The lad was born 'before' or 'in front of ' his dad, who was there at the birth.

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Originally posted by ianpickering
Almost, The lad was born 'before' or 'in front of ' his dad, who was there at the birth.
Correct! Please dont telll me you knew the answer.

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Originally posted by ianpickering
Almost, The lad was born 'before' or 'in front of ' his dad, who was there at the birth.
Ahh...so some of the imprecise wording was part of the puzzle. That one is a good one!

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Thanks Ill post another soon I have a book full of them if I could only find it๐Ÿ™‚

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