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Maddening little problem (2)

Maddening little problem (2)

Posers and Puzzles

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Helpmate in 5
a) diagram
b) Pg5>g4

Please PM solutions so that everyone has a chance to solve.
Composer's name will be given after solution is posted.
In a helpmate, Black begins and both sides play cooperatively to checkmate Black. White's 5th move should give mate.
This problem has a 'twin'. After solving the diagram position, move Pg5 to g4 and solve for helpmate in 5 again.

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a) and b) solved

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Evidently this one isn't as maddening as the first.

Jirakon is halfway there.
Serigado got both sols.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Evidently this one isn't as maddening as the first.

Jirakon is halfway there.
Serigado got both sols.
Still couldn't solve a) in the other problem...
These are fun... How would you rate 1-10 these 4 helpmates in difficulty?

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Originally posted by serigado
Still couldn't solve a) in the other problem...
These are fun... How would you rate 1-10 these 4 helpmates in difficulty?
For some reason, I had trouble solving b) in this one. But it's clearly not as hard as a) in the h#3 I posted. Maybe h#3 a = 7 difficulty and b = 2 difficulty, and h#5 a) = 1 difficulty and b) = 5 difficulty.

I tend to solve thematically. I have a tougher time with problems in which a) and b) aren't thematic.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
For some reason, I had trouble solving b) in this one. But it's clearly not as hard as a) in the h#3 I posted. Maybe h#3 a = 7 difficulty and b = 2 difficulty, and h#5 a) = 1 difficulty and b) = 5 difficulty.

I tend to solve thematically. I have a tougher time with problems in which a) and b) aren't thematic.
for me:
h#3 a) = 10
h#3 b) = 1
h#5 a) = 2
h#5 b) = 2

Funny something sound easy for some and very difficult to other, and vice-versa

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Originally posted by Jirakon

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So far, Jirakon, serigado and heinzkat have solved this.

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