Posers and Puzzles
06 Mar 08
Helpmate in 5
a) diagram
b) Pg5>g4
Please PM solutions so that everyone has a chance to solve.
Composer's name will be given after solution is posted.
In a helpmate, Black begins and both sides play cooperatively to checkmate Black. White's 5th move should give mate.
This problem has a 'twin'. After solving the diagram position, move Pg5 to g4 and solve for helpmate in 5 again.
Originally posted by serigadoFor some reason, I had trouble solving b) in this one. But it's clearly not as hard as a) in the h#3 I posted. Maybe h#3 a = 7 difficulty and b = 2 difficulty, and h#5 a) = 1 difficulty and b) = 5 difficulty.
Still couldn't solve a) in the other problem...
These are fun... How would you rate 1-10 these 4 helpmates in difficulty?
I tend to solve thematically. I have a tougher time with problems in which a) and b) aren't thematic.
Originally posted by SwissGambitfor me:
For some reason, I had trouble solving b) in this one. But it's clearly not as hard as a) in the h#3 I posted. Maybe h#3 a = 7 difficulty and b = 2 difficulty, and h#5 a) = 1 difficulty and b) = 5 difficulty.
I tend to solve thematically. I have a tougher time with problems in which a) and b) aren't thematic.
h#3 a) = 10
h#3 b) = 1
h#5 a) = 2
h#5 b) = 2
Funny something sound easy for some and very difficult to other, and vice-versa